9. Dear Diary

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(Your pov)

20 of September 2017,

'Dear diary, I'm here again writing about something new. As of recently, I just came out of the hospital. And If someone is reading this, you might be wondering what I was doing there or you already know as it has been on the news, in the papers and there's a lot of people talking about it. But if you don't know, here's the story. 

I Rose Williams, I'm depressed and I stayed home from school one day because I felt sick the day before so I decided to go meet my parents and that was a big mistake. I hadn't seen my parents for over a year, and I didn't want to see or talk to them so it was okay for me. But, I had nothing better to do so I went there. When I got there, me and my mom talked for a few hours and then my dad came into the conversation after I mentioned I had some problems. He asked me about my grades and I said that they were fine, but he told me that they needed to be better then just fine. I told him that I was doing the best I could with a disgusted voice and he got angry with me as expected. My mother then spoke up and said 'Rose, why do you always keep making more problems and cause drama?' And of course my dad agreed.  I was going to leave, when my dad grabbed me and told me I was staying I started to yell at him to let me go, and he threw me against the wall so I hurt my ankle. Despite that I managed to get out the door and I ran crying. I eventually turned into a dark alley and I sat there crying, thinking. 

'It was all my fault. Everything was my fault. I don't deserve to be alive, I'm a waste of space. No one will miss me anyway, right?'

I then mysteriously started walking, up a staircase and I was on a rooftop standing at the edge. I felt numb, all my feelings were gone and nobody could survive that fall. I was one second away, one step away. And I walked off, I counted every second. Just waiting to hit the ground. I could see my hair shining in the moonlight, as the rooftop got further and further away by the second. Everything went in slowmotion and I could hear people underneath me, terrified that I was going to die. They didn't even know me, pathetic I thought. 

At the first second, I was dying. 

At the second(nr 2) second, I was smiling.

At the third second, I thought was it going to hurt?

At the fourth second, I was terrified. 

At the fifth second, I said Goodbye world. 

When there was no seconds left, I hit the ground. 

It hurt, a lot actually. But I couldn't scream. There was blood all around me, and people were terrified I could hear people scream, some calling 911, some trying to wake me up. But it was black, I heard sirens then I drifted away. 

There you go, I tried to kill myself but did I die? Nope, I guess not since I'm writing here, but my heart did stop once in the hospital and I really thought I died that time, but no. They saved me again, even if I didn't fight because I didn't want to be alive they still saved me. And when I woke up, two days ago. I had three vampire brothers there, watching over me. I had been in a coma for 7 months, and now I was home and the brothers, they would not let me die. Ever that is.

So that's my small story about how I ended up in the hospital, hope that was nice reading if someone ever does read this. Anyways I gotta go now, first class is starting for today so goodbye. -Rose'

And at that I closed my dairy and put it in my backpack as I was by the school gates. And guess what, the fangirls were TOTALLY not there or anything, of couuuurse not.  Yeah, they were totally not staring me out as if I looked like a ghost or zombie to them either, nono not at all. 

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