18. And the rose wilts

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Msg at the end pls reaaad

A month later

-Rose ar-

-I'm sick and tired of you asking that, I cut Yui of as we sat by the dining table eating.


-Don't apologize, I cut her of again not even looking at her.

-Nfu~ Is Slut-chan going to snap today? Laito said amusingly.

-Shut up..

-Rose? Yui said. Do you like the ocean? She asked randomly.

-No, why? I said blankly looking at her.

-Maybe Chichinashi wants you to teach her how to swim? Ayato chuckled from the other side of the table.

-Ayato it was you who sav- Yui said before I started to laugh.

-Wow, that's actually kinda funny, I said and went back to a blank face. You know why? Because you saved her, but you, Shu and Laito just watched me sink down into the water until the last second, when I could move again. I said coldly and looked over at Yui who had a shocked expression.

-You weren't that important, Shu said.

-Oh really, so that's why you three saved me from taking suicide and you wouldn't let me die?! I raised my voice making Yui even more shocked.

-Do you hear that Teddy? I think she snapped.. Kanato said.

-Rose I-

-Yui you believe in god right? How can you still do that? You are trapped in this hell with vampires, and you still believe? Do you really think god would give some people so much pain that they would rather die then be alive another minute? Do you know how it is to loose someone? Have you seen a dead body? I have. That person, was someone I loved.

-So the truth is finally coming out..Subaru said.

-Shut up, Yui do you want to hear a story? Okay, where do we start.. Oh I know! The carnival, now I wasn't lying when I said I killed someone, because it was my fault they died. So, she was a beautiful girl. Ginger hair and blue green eyes, we were best friends. Last summer, ever heard of the Carnival mass murder? I was there whit my friend, so when our ride at the ferries wheel was over we were going to go out from the box thing you were in. There was a man with a gun right in front of us and he was going to pull the trigger. My friend was behind me and I was going to take the bullet for her, but there in that split second she pushed me out of the way and pang. I couldn't scream. I was numb in that moment. Until she fell to the ground bleeding out and the only thing I could do was kneel down and hold her. Saying that it'll be okay, and she died in my arms. That was the moment I flipped my switch, before something broke that couldn't be fixed. Please do imagine that and tell me if you still believe.  If she hadn't became friends with me she would be alive. I said and they were staring at me, Yui with a tear running down her face. I smiled not noticing I was crying.

-How can you smile! Yui screamed at me.

-I flipped the switch, I just said before standing up and got of my chair and I went straight for the stairs.

I had walked to the third floor out on a balcony looking at the sky crying until I felt someone turn me around. It was Yui and she was also crying. She pushed me several times against the railing, again and again.

-Why didn't you tell me?! She screamed and sobbed.

She was mad, but also hurt I could see it in her eyes. She continued to push me over and over again making my back hurt. Then she just screamed and on that last push there was this extra strength and I could see her getting further and further away. She pushed me over the railing. It shocked me. That she would be the one in the end to kill me. Because no one could save me now, it was a long drop. I could see it in her eyes, the regret. She screamed but everything went in slow motion.

5 seconds.

It was shocking.

4 seconds.

Why her?

3 seconds.

I'm going to die.

2 seconds.

I'm terrified.

1 second.

Thank you.

0 seconds.

I hit the ground, this was the second time in my life but this time I knew I couldn't be saved.      Everything stopped, in a second everything just froze. I couldn't move, hear or say anything. I wasn't breathing my heart had stopped. Was this what it's like to die? I could still hear my thoughts but everything was frozen. Then everything went black.

OH HI there welcome no this is not the end okaaaaay I'm goin to make another book called the returner or something like that which will be part two of this book okaaay so dw about that Nyah c u in the next book beep boop

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