3. Bitten

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(your pov) 

I woke up to somebody kicking my chair, 'what the hell?' I thought to myself and looking behind me and there sat a blonde haired boy with closed eyes, listening to music and kicking my chair. So I got of the chair and when he kicked it again it fell with a bang to the floor, and he opened one of his eyes.

-What do you want? He asked in a tired voice, looking at me with his ocean blue eye.

-You were the one kicking the chair I sat on, I said kind of annoyed and pouted looking the other way with crossed arms.

-Not my problem if you fall asleep on the chair and it's an hour after school, he said and closed his eye falling half asleep again.

 'An hour after school? Seriously was I asleep that long..' I thought to myself as I was about to grab my bag and walk out. Apparently he wasn't asleep as he took me by my wrist and pulled me to him, I was now sitting on his lap face to face with him. I looked at him blankly as he opened his eyes looking deep into mine.

-I'm hungry..he said and pulled me closer with him now breathing on my neck and that sent chills down my spine.

-Then go get some food, I said and sat completely still not caring to do anything as he was clearly stronger than me.

-The food is right here, he said and in a second his fangs were pushed down into my skin and the only thought going through my head was 'Vampire' 'they are all vampires, that's what that look in their eyes are about'  I laughed a little to myself as I laid my head on his shoulder.

-How..unexpected.., I said as I became weaker by the second and tried to smile. It doesn't..hurt.., was the last thing I said until there were black spots appearing in the corners of my eyes, and then I blacked out.

I woke up at the same place still in the boys Lap, but he was sleeping soundly. Slowly I got of, my legs were shaking from the blood loss but  still managed to get my things and walk out of the music room, out of the school and to my apartment  falling on the bed and almost falling asleep instantly.

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping, as always it was annoying. I actually had time to get breakfast because of the fact that I fell asleep in my uniform, and after not eating much for a few days I was pretty hungry.

I wasn't first in the classroom today either even if i was pretty early, and of course the first thing Ayato who was there already with his i suppose brothers, noticed the bite mark on my neck. 

-Who bit you? He said with kind of a serious voice, but with a smirk on his face and I looked at him blankly not answering him and just walked to my seat.

-Nfufu~Slut-chan got bitten? Laito said with an amused voiced smiling once again like an idiot.

-Do you hear that Teddy? Rose got bitten, Kanata said with a creppy smile looking at his teddy.

-Tall guy, blonde, blue eyes, sleepy head, I just said and looked blankly out the window, not caring about the looks they were giving me.

-So it was Shu, how unexpected nfufuf~ Laito said laughing a little. Then he whispered in my ear 'I'm gonna taste you next'. 

-Looking forward to it, I whispered back in his ear then turning away smiling at his surprised face.

The rest of the day I didn't pay much attention to my classes and today I actually ate lunch in the cafeteria where all of them sat, all 6 brothers at a table across me staring. 

The next two days went by pretty fast and soon it was weekend.


Hi hello welcome again owo Hope u liked this chapter me myself, thought it was short but ANyWaY have a nice day~

686 words

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