4. Weekend

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There will be a scene where somebody *cough* pervert *cough* says something ;;

(Your POV)

It was now weekend, and over the week I had gotten more notes in my locker that I decided to take home and put in my "secret box" if you want to call it that. That's where I had left everything that was depressing, notes from school over the years, things I had written down that had happened and a few pictures.

As my sleep schedule was now all changed to trash, it was 6pm (18.00) when I woke up. I got up from my bed stared at my hands as my vision got clearer by the second. I made a "Ugh" noise as I was tired and fell back down on my pillow closing my eyes and slapping myself to get up again. And FINALLY after like 15 minutes I got up and decided to go out for a walk, even if I didn't like to go out, it was dark so there wasn't a risk that I would get annoyed by the sun.

First I washed up as I looked like a zombie, I brushed my hair and put it to the side trying to decide what to wear. In the end I put on a black skirt, a light blue shirt over that and a pair of black over knee socks. I then put on my jacket and went out. It was cold, so I put my hands in my pockets and looking for a store that was open so I could buy some ice-cream to eat on my may around the city.

After 10 minutes of looking around I found a store that was open and bought vanilla ice-cream. I then started walking in a park. It was pretty quiet and nobody was there, so it was peaceful just walking around alone eating my ice cream. I suddenly noticed something. My glasses. They weren't there. I had forgotten them at my apartment, so I couldn't see very well. And it was also very dark, for some reason that started to worry me and I started speed walking home.

I went around lots of streets, but I couldn't find my may home.


I couldn't concentrate and I started breathing faster trying to find my street. As I was speed walking, almost running in the corner of my left eye I saw someone with a smirk on their face, red hair and fedora walk past me. That's when I stopped and I turned around, nobody was there. I could feel something going down my face and burning in the cold air. I was crying, and I didn't know why so I started running and that was a mistake on my part.

As I couldn't see clearly without my glasses, I didn't see the hand in front of me taking a hold of my wrist and pulling me away from the street into a corner that wasn't lit up by the lights out on the street. For a moment I closed my eyes but when I opened them I saw Laito. I had almost dropped my ice-cream on the way when I was running but I was still holding on to it.

-Nfufu~ Why is Slut-chan crying and running around the streets now? He said with amusement in his eyes and his voice for that part, with a smirk filling his face.

-Laito let m- I was starting to speak but was roughly pushed against the stone wall behind me, and with a hand over my mouth.

-Nfufu~ One word Slut-chan and I'm gonna r4pe you~ He just said coming closer to my face looking me straight in the eyes laughing at my face. I just want to taste you a little~ he said and started to lift my leg as he sank his fangs into my thigh.

I dropped my ice-cream and just thought to myself 'Why the hell did I take a skirt?'. Still I couldn't move, or say anything because I don't think he was lying about what he said he would do to me if I did. He finally let go and I was weak, but he just smiled at me.

-Doesn't it hurt yet? he asked being a little disappointed but he just took his hand and help my face, moving away my hair with the other and pulling down my jacket a bit revealing my neck.

He sunk his fangs down my neck and roughly they sunk down deeper and that made me flinch. It was starting to hurt and I grabbed onto his shoulder so I wouldn't fall.

-Haha! I could just kill you right now Slut-chan~He said and I could feel him smiling, and my conciusness was starting to slip away as I felt my legs giving in.

-Please..do..I said and then smiled, as I saw his surprised face, there were black spots forming in the corners of my eyes and the last thing I heard before my legs gave in and my hand let go of him, was:

-Oh Slut-chan~I would never let your sweet blood go to waste like that.. I then blacked out as my smile faded.

(owowowo time skip thing)

I woke up in my own bed as always and sat up not bothering to open my eyes yet. Then I remembered what happened yesterday and a question two questions popped up in my head. Did he do anything else to me? And how did he know where my apartment was? My box, i thought and quickly got out of bed and heading to where I had put it. Fast I looked through it and nothing was missing, except one thing.


Okay, I think this is the third chapter i posted today so I hope u liked it and stuff like that. I will try to make a few chapters during the up coming week ^^

1028 words

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