5. Rain

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(Your POV)

It was gone, the picture was gone. I looked through the box four times. There was no sign of the picture anywhere. It was a picture of me, my mom and my dad with my moms phone number on the back. I could not let Laito call her, if he took it. I did not want to deal with her or my dad right now. They don't know that I had moved to my own apartment, moved to a new city and moved to a night school. I haven't talked to them in over a year, and intend to keep it that way.

When I didn't want to live "home" anymore, I moved to my cousins and lived there for about a year and 2 months and then I moved to my apartment, that I now have lived in for about a week and a half. And of course, my mom and dad, did not care to notice, and they fight over EVERYTHING so I do not even understand why they are still married.

The rest of the Sunday, I sat thinking, about what could actually happen if he called her. And then I ate food. I was so damn hungry and I didn't even notice until I started eating. Like, that's a really weird thing about me, when I get hungry I can't feel it. So I basically starve until I decide to eat something. That's just amazing, right?

It was now starting to get light out and I was beginning to get tired, as I said my sleep schedule was now, fu**ed up so I now had to go to sleep. As I was laying down in bed, curled up in my sheets, I felt those eyes staring at me. I just tried to ignore it and closed my eyes, thinking I would be okay with just ignoring it, and slowly I felt myself falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up to my alarm clock, beeping. It was already Monday, which means school, which means meeting people. Yay. As usual, I got up brushed my hair and teeth, took on half of my uniform because I changed it a little, put on my glasses and ran out the door. I didn't bother to put my hair up, as I didn't want anyone to see the bite marks I got from two specific people. My wrist hadn't healed yet but, I had taken off the bandage as I thought it was annoying.

As I got to school, there was the usual big crowd of girls, fangirling and screaming over the Sakamaki brothers, yes I actually found out their last name and the last brothers name that was Subaru. But I just walked through the group of girls and thought it would go like normal, I walk through like they're not there and they ignore me and I ignore them. Well not today folks, they stopped me not letting me go through.

-Hey you, Slut! A girl with red hair, put up in a pony tail said to me.

-Hm? what do you want? I just said blankly looking her straight in the eye.

-Do you think you can just ignore the brothers day by day like that? She said getting mad over nothing.

-Uhm, yeah, I seriously do not care who they are, so I just ignore them as best as I can. I said just as blankly, and that's when I think I hit a button.

She walked up to me, looked me straight in the eye, and she slapped me. Right in front of everyone, even the brothers who were behind me. Everyone went quiet, staring right at me waiting for my reaction. I started to laugh. And all eyes widened, except the brothers of course who had their normal expressions, kind off.

-Oh, that's..so..funny, I said in-between laughs, but I then stopped. In a glimpse off an eye, I just stopped and walked a little closer to the girl being one centimetre from her face and I said, You think that's gonna hurt me? I stared at her with a death glare, and she backed away, scared.

-Well, what a waste of my time, I said turning around staring at the brothers, then smiling. See you later~ was the last thing I said, then turning around again and walked into the school and to my classroom.

As I was about to sit down in my seat, someone decided to step in front of me and someone behind me, and guess who it is, Laito and Ayato. Ayato just decides to sit down in my seat, and I could feel Laitos arms going around my waist.

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