6. Roses

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(Your pov)

It had been two weeks since the day I broke down, my bruises were slowly healing but nothing could change the fact that, some of them were gonna stay forever. I had written it down, everything that happened that day and I left it in my box. I was still not eating as much as I should and that was becoming a bigger and bigger problem as I was getting thinner. It was the end of February, which means spring was slowly coming too, me not going out as much as the dark sky was filled hours later then it it usually does in the winter. The trees were getting more green, flowers were growing and the sun was shining more brightly. Most of the brothers have left me alone, and that I was thankful for. I had also turned 17, but life didn't change and I didn't care about my birthday anyways. I never really got a present, but this year I got something in the mail. It was a necklace with a key. I did not know who gave it to me, but I also didn't know what the key was for. But I still wore it everyday to school as I thought it was pretty. I wasn't getting as many notes anymore, I think it was because of the incident at school me scaring that girl while everybody was watching. But, oh well doesn't hurt me, right? 

And I was pretty mad Ayato and Laito, apparently they hadn't called my mom so she was never there, at my apartment. So they made me sit in the rain, crying my eyes out, feeling numb for HOURS. So I think you can understand, that I was really mad at them for doing that to me. I mostly ignored everyone, wherever I went or where I was so I, didn't have to deal with talking to people. But I also keeps my eyes open wherever i went, because I was always feeling watched. 

You know everybody is like roses, there's always that beautiful part of someone, but they always have thorns. That can cut deeper then a blade ever could, and the rose just dies in the end, right? Like every person does, some will bloom again, others stay wilted until they completely fade away. 

Sitting in the music room, I was skipping class and just training on different songs, or just touching the keys randomly on the piano. My fingers were eventually starting to hurt as I was playing and one of my wounds had opened on my arm seeing a slight red drip of blood soon landing on the piano keys. I just looked at it seeing the reflection of myself in it, but also another person behind me, it was Shu. I just looked up at him and stared in his eyes for about a minute. Then I stood up turned around and walked over to a couch that was at the end of the room. I sat down and crossed my arms, putting my legs up on the couch still looking at him. And he started to walk, towards where I was sitting, he then just decided to lay on top of me holding me so I couldn't go away, and he fell asleep. Looks like I'm going to be stuck here for a while. After about 30 minutes of me just sitting there, trapped I started to feel an ache in my stomach but I just ignored it. For the next 20 minutes it was starting to go up my throat, and I was now beginning too feel hot. Again, I ignored it. 10 minutes later I had began to sweat, and I felt sick.

-Shu..Shu, can you let go please.. I said trying to push him off, while I was getting stressed, but he only held me tighter. Shu, please let go. Shu. For gods sake let go. 

-So noisy..he just said letting me go and I rushed to the girls bathroom and put on cold water washing my face, trying to make the feeling go away. And after a while, it went away and I just sat down, with my hands in my face wondering why that happened. 

I knew that school hadn't ended yet, so I decided to go to my class with was the last class for today, with means homeroom. I came in 10 minutes late.

-Sorry I'm late teach, I just said walking over to my seat. 

-I'll let it slide, Ms. Williams you look kind of pale, do you need to go to the nurse? He asked, looking at me concerned. 

-No, I'm fine thanks. I just said blankly, then looking out the window. 

I actually felt kinda sick, but as it was the last class I thought it was dumb going to the nurse. This lesson I tried to pay attention as much as I could, but my thoughts were trailing off else where while looking out the window. 

After class I was on my way home, I was right outside the school and in a limo all six brothers sat staring right at me before closing their door, me turning my head away and walking down the street. Then i felt something wet on my nose, it was starting to rain and in a few seconds it was pouring. That probably made me sicker then I already was and I was probably gonna stay home for tomorrow. 


Hi hello and welcome ;D I hoped u there reading this shit liked it because I really hate this story for some reason but still I hoped atlas you liked it. Meow rawr bark Have a nice day~

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