Little Old Selfish Me...

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~Donghae's POV~

- Because she loves you, you big moron!!

"What?! She... what?"

  I turned my back at him. I didn't know how much he knew about the whole thing, but I didn't want him to see how his words affected me.

  Henry must have realized it on his own, he walked towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

- Hyung... what's going on? I know you recognized her from the first moment, ever since she walked into that meeting room. So... why? Why are you hiding it from her?

"I can't tell her! I can't! She'll hate me... she'll think I'm selfish!"

- Hyung... please. Why don't you say something? What are you hiding? Are scared or something?!

- Yes!! God dammit! I am scared. I don't know what to do with when I'm around her... I want to tell her everything... how I feel but... I just can't. 

  I couldn't take it anymore. It was killing me not to tell anyone - not even Hyukie, he only knew that me and my first girlfriend had broke up, nothing more. And Henry, he was a good kid and he really liked Catie, he was her friend, he understood her better than anyone. Better than me! 

  He sighed.

- What happened? Really. What went wrong? She said you lost contact, why??

  I took a deep breath and then sat on the floor. It would be a long talk.

- What did she tell you?

  He sat next to me, starring at the sealing.

- Not much. She mentioned how she had to go back to her country, how you two exchanged letter for a while and how you lost contact with time. She said she thought it was because of your schedule and she tried to understand. Was it really like that?

- Not exactly.

  He looked surprised.

- So it's not true?

- It is but... that's not the whole story... she probably didn't tell you because she didn't know it.

  He was thinking about what I said, weighing the information. 

- So what's the whole story?

  I let myself fall behind until my back lay against the wooden floor.

- I chose it!

  He seemed confused.

- Chose what?

- I pushed her away... I chose to end it!

  ~Henry's POV~


- Hyung... why? Why would you do that? Didn't... didn't you love her?

  He kept starring at the sealing.

"What is he thinking?"

- At the time.. I didn't know what love was... 

- But you knew you loved her.

  He sighed and closed his eyes... as if he was embarrassed. 

- I was fourteen. I knew I liked her, maybe even love her. But things have a different meaning when we're kids... and we make choices that aren't always the right thing. I chose my career and my dad's dream.

  I couldn't say anything. If I was in his situation I would've done the same.

- How could I think that she would be the only person in my heart for all these years? She was a child, I didn't know if she was coming back. She had tons of chances to come to Korea with her uncle but she didn't... I thought she had moved on... I thought she had forgotten me. 

  It made sense. He was only a kid... at that age to be forced to take such a decision... Donghae hyung chose his career, his father's dream. I knew how much he worked to get where he was, to make his father's memory and his family proud... But only now was I starting to really understand just how much that decision haunted him, until this day.

- You're being selfish, hyung!

  My words caught him of guard.

- Bwoh?!

- She didn't come back because of you. She was worried with your carrier. She new how much your dad wanted you to do this and she didn't want to get in your way.

  He was frozen. Looking at me like he'd seen a ghost. 

- What did you say?

- Noona didn't come back with her uncle because she didn't want to get between you and your dream. She wanted to come back and to be with you but she held herself back countless time, she watched you grow into what you are from afar. She was and still is your biggest fan. She told me she cried for weeks when she heard about your father from her uncle... she thought of coming here to support you but her parents wouldn't allow it... She never forgot you, you big idiot!!

  Tears were running down my face as I spoke.

"Aish! These two idiots!!"

  Donghae sat up, looking really surprised.

  He rested his head on his knees and covered his face with his hands. He was almost like a tormented person. The minutes went by and I started to realize a subtle sobbing noise. Donghae hyung... was crying!

- Hyung?... Gwenchanna? Hyung? I... I'm sorry... I din't mean to yell at you...

  He lifted his head and nodded in denial.

- No you're right. I am an idiot! How couldn't I see it? She's doing it again!

- Bwoh? Doing what, hung?

  We heard a strange sound from outside the room, like a soft whisper.

  Donghae hyung cleared his tears and gave a faint smile has he got up to his feet.

- She's trying to protect me again. Just like she did when we were kids.

- Protect you from what?

  He laughed a bit and walked to the door. He opened it all of a sudden and pulled someone inside - Catie.

  He then pulled her for a hug, leaving noona breathless and me feeling like the third wheel on a second rate romantic comedy.  

  He looked at her while saying to me...

- From myself, the little fox.


Hello, Hello.

I know this is taking a long time to be updated but just bare with me and don't give up ;)

More updates next week and Who Knows?! Maybe some more emotion and maybe even some romance... stay tuned people  and support this first effort of mine ;)



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