The Runaway

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~Donghae's POV~

-I like her already!

I said the words but, inside, I was feeling really nervous for some reason. Was her reaction to what she saw in the hospital? Was it the way she cried? Did I actually see her cry? I don't think I did but, for some reason, I had the notion that that's what happened.

"Just who is she?"

When we got to our dorm building we went up to the 10th floor and Heechul hyung knocked on one door. Less than a minute passed and a girl opened it.

-Miho ssi?! Is this your house? Weren't you living at our dorms?

The young foreigner girl who I knew from being one of our staff, looked at me with startled expression and then her eyes almost filled with tears.
Hyung stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.

-Miho, where is she?

She shook her head booth sides.

-Shes gone!

He was surprised, more than that, he was shocked.

-Gone? What do you mean gone? Don't tell me she's...

-She went back home?

I wasn't understanding what they were talking about. Gone? Back home?

-What do you mean she went back home?

Miho ssi looked at me with a hurtful look in her blue eyes.

-Donghae ssi, you're too late. She went back to Portugal!

Heechul sighed and pressed his nose bridge between his index and his thumb. While the shock sinked in I was trying to had two plus two. And then it hit me. She ran away... from me.


~Miho's POV~


Donghae ssi looked shocked but, as soon as he released the scream, he acted as if he didn't understand why he'd done it.

"It must be really confusing to deal with amnesia. I think his body is reacting to the shock separately from his mind. It's like the body remembers his love for Catie unnie but his mind is fighting against it."

I sighed and placed my hand in his in a comforting gesture that I knew he would understand the necessity.

-I think you should come in Donghae ssi. It's time for you to know everything once again.

He got in and I told him to sit down on the coutch. I let him be for two minutes while I talked in private with Heechul.

-You should go.

He didn't understand.

-Go where? She's gone, there's nothing I can do know!

-Yes there is! She left but she may still come back. Donghae is amnesiac and Sehun and the other EXO members can go and look for her, but you, you can do whatever you want.

He tilted his head to the side trying to grasp what I was telling him.

-What's your plan?

-Go and get her!

-What makes you think she'll want to comeback home with me? She rejected me. She loves him, Hae , not me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

-I once told you you should be more selfless. Well now is the time! You're the only one who can give her what she really wants right now, and I don't mean for you to try to be her new boyfriend, I mean for you to be her escape rope, her safe haven. She lost her meaning for being here when Hae lost his memories of her and their time together. Give her something to hope for again Heechul ssi.

-You think I'm up for the task? To you trust me with her fate?

-Heechul ssi... we had our differences along the way but you've proven that your not just thinking of yourself. Your placing Catie's needs in front of your own feelings. That is something only for the brave. I would not only trust you with Catie's fate but I would also trust you with my life. I know you'll do what you must to bring her back!

He started at me in awe. Then without another word he nodded and left to his room to get his stuff ready.

"Good luck Heechul ssi!"

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