I'm just a fan!

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~Mi Ho's POV~

- Kyuhyun ssi?

  I was in shock.

"He... Thinks he likes me?"

  I couldn't understand. I've been in Korea for little less than two months, how could he say that "He thought he liked me?"

  And the worst part was... I didn't know what to do, what my feelings were, anything!

  I was still thinking about the day when I visited EXO, how nice they were, how nice Luhan ssi was to me. And now Kyuhyun ssi tells me this?! I didn't know what to do!

- I didn't say this to get you to surrender to me or anything... I'm going to do this the right way.

- The right way? What do you mean?

  He slowly got closer to me and he held my hand again only to place it close to his heart.

- I'm going to win your heart Mi Ho, and I'm not going to let you go. I don't care if you're Luhan's fan, as long as I'm your man.

"What?! Oh my god.... did I just hear this?!"

- Kyuhyun ssi... I...

- Lets go! It's cold and you'll have to work tomorrow.

  I still wanted to discuss the matter but I knew from experience just how stubborn he really was. I would let it go for the time being but I would need someone to talk to and I didn't want to bother Catie, so I had no other choice... There was only one other person who I bet knew all I was going through... The door listener Kim Heechul.

  If he could barge in any time he wanted and question me endlessly about his personal life than I was allowed to do that too.

"Oh, but he's probably drunk by now... okay, I'll wait until tomorrow!"

  With that little detail out of my mind I began to walk alongside Kyuhyun to the dorms. We didn't speak to each other but he never let go of my hand.

"What am I going to do about this?"

  Once we got to the house I went straight to my/Catie's room but Kyuhyun got me right before I could close the door.

- Mi Ho... ssi. Can I ask you something?

- Yes.

  He thought about it for a second.

- Do you like him as a man? Or just as an Idol?

  I thought about it.

  When I met EXO I felt really good with them, especially Chanyeol, Sehun, Baekhyun and Luhan. But not once did I feel like I was more than a fan. I just felt happy that I could meet my idols and that they were being nice to me... I kind of also felt like I was becoming their friend, but still... I never, not once, felt attracted to Luhan ssi...

"Not like Kyuhyun... Not so far, at least."

- I'm his fan, Kyuhyun ssi. And I'm your fan too.

  With that I closed the door. I didn't know what I meant with that sentence and I didn't think Kyuhyun knew it either.

"Gosh! I just want to work hard, get this job and move in with Catie. Why do boys have to make everything complicated? Poor Catie, I sure understand you more now!"

           I took a shower and got ready to go to bed but when I was about to do so, I heard the front door open and then close. Heechul.

~Heechul's POV~

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