Another Beginning?... Sure!

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  • Dedicated to Marina Costa

~Mi Ho's POV~

- Hey! Hey you?! Mi... Mi Ho ssi?

  I was sitting on Catie's desk when I heard someone knock in the door and call me in a ill-mannered way. I turned around to see who it was.

- Oh, great! What do you want Kim Heechul?

- Aren't you a ray of sunshine?

  He was leaning against the side of the door looking like he was having on of his famous "Bad-Days". I wasn't particularly mad up until that moment, not with him or with anyone else, but the thing is... He has this talent... to annoy me with nothing but the sound of his voice. The reason was simple, it was all just a fake. He wasn't made of stone as he wanted everyone else to think, he was actually a kindhearted person... but he concealed all of that behind his idiotic mask of "Super-Perfect-Doll-Faced-Diva-Idol".

  So, him being there looking like that when he was obviously suffering made me mad - really mad at him!

- And I'll continue to be this little ray of sunshine until you decide to leave that mask of yours at the door or before you decide to talk to me.

  I was a pretty relaxed person and I didn't usually talk like this to people around me... but being Catie's friend for all these years made me resemble her in some ways. I was sounding just like her.

"She'd be proud if she could see me now!"

  Heechul, in the meantime, had come into the room, closed the door and sat on the floor with his back against the bed. I was preparing myself to yell at him for walking in uninvited but then I saw his expression.

  He was truly desperate. His face looked like it aged ten years in just a few seconds.

- Heechul...ssi? Are you okay? I'm sorry that I talked like that... can you talk to me now? What's going on?

  He lifted his head towards the ceiling.

- It's been two weeks since that night when I heard you and Catie on the phone. Two weeks since you've told me how I show be the one to find my way. But I can't... and now Catie and Hae are going out and I....

- Wait! How do you know they're going out?

  Catie had told me everything of course, but Heechul wasn't supposed to know...yet.

- I listened to your conversations once, do you really think I wouldn't do it again if I had too?

"I guess he is capable of that and much more... He's just so weird sometimes.... always!"

- I should have known. So what are you going to do now that you know about them? Are you going to tell President Lee?

  He seemed startled with that perspective.

"So at least he hasn't thought about that... until now..."

- I wouldn't do it to Hae!

- Why not? You clearly tried to take the girl he loves from him...

  He let out a sigh and stood up to his feet.

- Do you have any idea of how hard that was for me? He was like my little brother, I love him. But I also loved her, or so I thought. While we both didn't know about Catie's feelings I was willing to try, to see where it ended but now... she's made her choice and... I just can't hurt Hae anymore.

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Kim Heechul was... giving up?

- So... you'll give up?

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