It's never too late to start over

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  • Dedicated to Marina Costa

~Henry's POV~

"Why am I surrounded with couples?"

  It was astonishing how something happened without you noticing it. Kyuhyun just met Marina this very day, but I can already sense something going on in his head.

  We were driving back to the dorms and Marina was sleeping in the back seat of the car. She's been suffering from jet-lag for too long, poor girl. And Kyuhyun, who refuses to sing next to us members, felt the need to start showing off as soon as we got in the car. He got particularly full of himself when Marina, right before falling asleep, let out a low sigh.

- Kyuhyun-ssi sings really well.

  And just like that she was out. I have to say that the girl is weird... but in a good way. When Kyu heard this he looked at her through the rear view mirror and smiled stupidly. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at him.

- Be careful, hyung!

- Careful? Of what?

  I laughed for myself for a few moments and then I decided to put him out of his misery and explain myself.

- Catie will kill you.

  He didn't seem to get where I was going so I unbuckled my belt and I grabbed onto the front seat to get a little closer to him... I didn't want our newly arrived friend to know what I was beginning to realize.

-Mi Ho ssi. You don't want to mess around with her. If you do then Catie will have your guts on a plate and serve it to Donghae's new cute-demon dog.

- Mi Ho ssi?

  I forgot he didn't knew about the name.

"Oh well... might as well talk about it"

- Lee Mi Ho, it's Marina's Korean name. She and Catie thought that it would be funny to have more than one name for each different country they wanted to go to.

  He raised his brows. My first reaction when I heard about it was pretty much like that too.

- So... what's Catie's Korean name?

- Kim Na Na. I think that it's cute and that it actually fits her. As for Marina's name... I prefer to use it instead of her real one. It's too complicated and Mi Ho is so simple and natural. Don't you think so, Kyu?

  He thought about it for a second and then looked at the sleeping girl again as if weighing the name with the face and seeing if it matched. Apparently it did!

- Mi Ho ssi. It's a good name.

  I smiled devilishly and leaned back into my seat again.

"I'm the freaking master of getting people together. This fool fell right in my trap. Now that the right amount of interest is there... it's only a matter of time"

- What are you laughing about?

  I'd let him bite the bait a bit more.

- Do you know something funny?

- What?

- She's actually the first girl I meet that likes games as much as you do. I played online with this girl once and she completely destroyed me.

  He starred at me. He knew I played well, well enough to bit him sometimes, so the fact that some girl was able to surpass us both at once... was really something.

- What does she play?

- Well I played League of Legends with her and that's about it... I don't know if she plays something else.

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