The doctors

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Hey, ok so, I'm a little frustrated..

so this happened happened a couple months ago, but I just remembered it and I got upset..

I was at the doctors for the yearly physical, you know, very normal. And they gave me this survey to fill out like you know "have you had suicidal thoughts,, how many times do you exercise a week?" Just like random questions. Then there was one that I kinda stopped at.. "which gender(s) are you attracted to"

I'm biromantic and in the closet,, at least with my family I am.

My mom was sitting next to me watching me fill it out.

Background info: I'm Muslim. I'm not so religious that I wear a hijab or anything, but I do pray and fast (I'm fasting rn, rip me). And, like in most religions you're "not supposed to be gay." My mom is like, she won't say anything to people who are gay, but she makes sure to tell me that it's not really right and stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, she's super cool and stuff. But it's just certain things...

So there I am, just kinda staring at the question and my mom's like "come on, that's the last question, good thing it's easy haha"

I just checked the box that said "the opposite gender" and gave it to my mom and she turned it into the clerk at the desk. And I'm just frustrated that I lied. I had to lie and say I was straight when I'm not. At least not one hundred percent. It probably wouldn't bother me as much if I did that rn cuz Dice and all, but at the time I was completely head over heels for this girl.

Idk it just really bothered me. I'm just not feeling great today. Haha, ok bye.