Hecka queer

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Ugh i hate that my family is homophobic

wAit lets get this out of the way first: yes my family is homophobic. No they don't tell people who are gay that they shouldn't be gay. They keep to themselves. They never say a word to any gay people they see cuz it's those peoples' lives. BUT! My parents do make is quite clear that our religion doesn't say it's right and that i shouldn't be mean to people who are but i also should try to not hang around them cuz thats not we believe in. However, i am pansexual (in the closet obviously) and even though my parents are like this i wouldn't trade them for anyone. I love my parents, they're super nice and chill people, just this one topic they suck.

So yeah anyway to the actual point:

In choir we got shirts that had our choir's logo on it and on the back we got to out whatever we wanted (my teacher put Bon Bon,, i put my last name, etc.). So my friend Harry put "hecka queer" on their shirt, which i fucking love first of all. I will i had that on my shirt. But at the same time, this is our informal uniform so we do have to wear it to certain places and my mom is bound to see the back of their shirt at some point. I keep having panic attacks about it. Like i'm so scared that she's gonna see their shirt and make me not be friends with them anymore and find out i'm not straight and i dont know how to avoid it. I'm not gonna tell Harry to not wear the shirt cuz 1) thats not possible we literally HAVE to wear them for certain things, and 2) they're out, they can do whatever, why should i make them hide who they are for my own purposes? Idk. I feel like my mom's already onto the fact that i'm not straight and it makes me want to throw up out of fear. I honestly don't know what's gonna happen when she sees their shirt. Harry's my best friend at school idk what i would do. I guess i'll just have to deal with it. Idk.