1: Lord Trevelyan

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Lord Trevelyan

At first, all I was aware of was a dull, throbbing pain coming from the centre of my left hand. I struggled to open my eyes with great effort as I began to sense other things. The smell of cold, damp stone, the cloying smell of oil-soaked torches and a chill cool breeze grazed my cheek.

I heard voices, but I couldn't make out what was being said. Pulled roughly to my feet, two armed guards dragged me from the rough cot I lay in, my hands bound with chain. Unable to stand, I sank to my knees as they released me. I blinked in the flickering light of the torches to get my bearings.

A stern-faced woman with angular features entered the room. She was dressed in Seeker armour, her face contorted in anger. I could make out a faded scar on her left cheek. Her hair was black and cut short to emphasize the steel in her eyes. She was followed by a second woman whose face was obscured by the long, hooded cloak she wore.

"Tell me why I shouldn't just kill you now!" The first woman spat. "Everyone is dead! All the people who attended the Conclave, and our Most Holy, died in the explosion. Except you!"

"What are you talking about?" I managed to retort, unable to make sense of her words.

"The Temple of Sacred Ashes." She snapped. "Divine Justinia was trying to put an end to the conflict between the mages and Templars. And now she is dead. What happened? How is it you are the only one to emerge unscathed?"

"I don't remember." I stammered.

"Perhaps I should just kill you. You are wasting my time while the world is in peril."

"No Cassandra." The second woman said, her voice calm. "We need him."

Straightening, Cassandra turned to her. "Leliana, go to the forward camp and check our forces. I will bring him."

Leliana left without a word. Cassandra turned, and fixed me with a cold glare before removing the restraints at my wrists.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I demanded, still confused. I couldn't remember how I'd got here or even where here was. Who were these people?"

"It will be easier if I show you." Cassandra answered, leading me outside.

I looked up as we left the building, shielding my eyes against the daylight and gasped at what I saw. A giant, swirling circle of green light filled the sky, while seemingly pouring green light down towards the earth below.

"What is that?" I exclaimed.

"We call it the Breach." Cassandra said, her eyes suspicious. "After the explosion destroyed the Temple of Sacred Ashes, this is what took it's place. It is a portal to the Fade and it is allowing demons to pour out of it. We don't know how to stop it."

"But how did this happen?"

She gave me a curious look, making it clear she doubted my innocence.

"We don't know. A spell gone wrong perhaps? We were hoping you could tell us since you are the only survivor we know of. Witnesses saw you fall out of the Fade before you fell unconscious with that mark on your hand."

"Unconscious? How long have I been out?"

"Three days." She said, leading me across a bridge and up a path leading to the forward camp and closer to the breach. "And it continues to get bigger with each passing hour. Smaller tears in the Fade have also appeared. We call them Rifts."

"And you think I did this? Or that I can somehow fix the giant hole in the sky?"

"I don't know." She snapped, increasing her pace. "But we have to try. The longer we wait, the larger the breach becomes. If we don't find a solution soon, it will engulf the world."

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