21: Dinner

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Dorian had disappeared after we returned to Skyhold, muttering about research. I assumed he was still looking into the history of the Plains and left him to it. If I had learned anything about him these past months, it was his passion for study.

Knowing he could be lost in his books for several hours, I decided it was time to talk to Vivienne again. We had chatted several times since arriving at Skyhold, though not of anything important. She was civil enough, but I always had the impression she was hiding her disappointment in me.

I wasn't sure how to take Vivienne. I knew why she was here and what she believed about the mage Circles. Unfortunately I didn't share her feelings and she knew it. I wanted to stay on her good side knowing how much political power she held, but found it hard to hold my tongue. I doubted our next conversation would be any different, but I was wrong.

"Inquisitor." She said, leading me out to the balcony. "I find myself in the uncomfortable position of needing your assistance in a personal matter."

"I'm listening Vivienne." I said, surprised by her hesitancy.

"I need the heart of a snowy wyvern. I had an arrangement with some Orlesian chevaliers, but they were killed in the early stage of the civil war."

"A snowy wyvern?"

"A rare and dangerous creature. Only ever spotted in the Exalted Plains unfortunately."

Shit, I thought. The Plains were the last place I ever wanted to return to. "Can I ask what you need it for?"

"It's for a potion. Other than that it is private. I do hope you understand my dear."

"Not really." I frowned. "But if it's important to you, I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you darling." She said. "Please come see me straightaway as soon as you return."

I left Vivienne's room lost in thought. What could she possible want with a wyvern heart? It was hard to read her, but I'd sensed an urgency in her words, as though it involved something close to her heart. Which, by all accounts, Vivienne was lacking. I'd never met a colder individual, driven forward through life by nothing more than ambition and the desire for power. I was still pondering it when Varric stopped me in the Grand Hall.

"You look troubled Inquisitor." He noted, frowning at me.

"Not troubled Varric, confused - but it's nothing. Was there something you needed?"

"Me? No. But you missed dinner and Dorian was looking for you. Said to tell you to meet him in your quarters if I saw you."

"I missed dinner?" Sure enough as I glanced outside, I could see the sun had already set. I must have been with Vivienne longer than I thought. "Thanks Varric. I'll head there now."

"No problem."


I heard nothing as I climbed the steps to my quarters and frowned. Even when reading, Dorian had a habit of talking to himself. It was one of the reasons he kept his chair in the library in an alcove - a small attempt to keep from disturbing the other researchers.

I entered the room and my jaw dropped. It was filled with pinpricks of light, like tiny fireflies. Most of the torches had been put out, leaving only the fireplace and several candles burning on a small table in the centre of the room.

"Dorian?" He was standing near the fireplace, the light silhouetting his firm physique in all the right places.

"Ah, amatus." He smiled, his eyes lighting at my appearance. "I thought you'd never get here."

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