30: The Barracks

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After we had fortified ourselves with a copious amount of liquid courage, Varric and I once again returned to the battlements for some privacy. I was feeling pleasantly numb from the brandy I'd drank, my earlier tension dissolved. If I were being honest, I was probably a little too relaxed, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

"Nothing like a crisp, cold wind in the face to point out just how many drinks are too many." Varric grumbled. "I think we might have overdone it, your Inquisitorialness."

I laughed. "I can't believe you were able to say that and not trip over the word."

"I'm a storyteller. Words are my weapons."

"Uh huh... sure they are." I smiled, looking out across the snow-covered landscape. "I think we should take a minute. Let the cold sober us up a bit before you tell me what else happened."

"Probably wise." Varric nodded, sitting and pressing his back into the cold stone wall.

I joined him and let the cool air chase the fog from my thoughts. After a moment, I felt Varric stir and he began to talk, telling me how he'd found Dorian. When he reached the part about Solas and the elven wine I sobered instantly, filled with an anger so hot I couldn't focus.

"Where is Solas now?" I asked, my voice hard.

"Far as I know, he's still in his little room with the paintings."

"Good." I said, a plan forming in my mind. "Does Leliana know about this?"

"Not that one, no." Varric said. "It wasn't very serious at the time, and Dorian wasn't convinced he hadn't drank the wine. I disagreed, but..."

"But he's a very stubborn man." I finished.

Varric laughed. "Just remember, you said it not me."

"Do you know where he is now? Dorian, not Solas."

"After I left him in the tavern, I went back to check on him. He's in his quarters sleeping. Far as I know, he's still there."

"Good." I nodded. "Let him sleep. When I speak to Leliana, I'll have her put one of her people on his room. I want him protected. Whoever did this has to be one of ours."

"You don't think it has anything to do with Corypheus?"

I shook my head. "I can't see the point in that. Besides, it was too personal, too specific a target. Something else is going on here. It may not even have anything to do with me or Dorian. It could be a feint, or a ruse - something to keep us from looking elsewhere."

"That's a lot of planning ahead for an elaborate distraction." Varric observed.

"It is. Which makes me suspect there's more to this. Until we know more, no one else is to know what's happened. Sera knows about Dorian's missing time, but she doesn't need to know more. I'll talk to her, make sure she doesn't tell anyone else."

"So it'll just be the four of us then? Me, you, Vivienne and Leliana? Oh, and Dorian."

I nodded. "The fewer who know, the better. Whoever did this will be watching. They'll know we're also keeping quiet, which means they already know too much."

"What about Solas?" Varric pressed. "You really think he's involved?"

"I don't know why, but yeah I do. The spell seems to have been designed to keep us apart. Either he was being petty or there's another reason he wanted us separated. I need to find out which it is."

"And just how are you planning to do that?"

I frowned at him. "I don't know yet. Just keep an eye out Varric. Watch out for Dorian for me. I need to speak to Leliana."

"Got it boss." He said, getting to his feet. "I'll be by the fireplace if you need me."


He woke to the smell of old, worn leather and sweat-dried bodies. He groaned as he struggled up from the enveloping dark of a deep sleep. Once more, he was dismayed to find himself fully clothed. He wrinkled his nose in distaste as he rose from the bed they'd given him in the barracks.

The sounds of early morning activity reached him and he passed a weary hand through his curly locks. He had no way to check his appearance before leaving the building. It was irritating, but at the moment, he was too tired to care.

Iron Bull was waiting for him when he emerged. Seeing him, Bull crossed the courtyard, smiling as he drew closer.

"Dorian." He said. "You feeling better?"

"Much better. Thank you." He nodded. "Though I wish I had a mirror and a change of clothes."

Bull laughed heartily. "Now I know you're feeling better. Someone tries to kill you and you're worried about how you look."

"Appearances are not to be underestimated Bull. One should never let their opponents see their weaknesses."

"Your appearance is not a weakness Dorian." Bull replied angrily. "The asshole who did this is a coward."

Dorian was surprised by Bull's vehemence. "Coward or not, he or she almost succeeded."

"If that was their goal." Bull muttered.

"What do you mean by that? You think it was something else?"

"Just follow me Dorian. I'm supposed to bring you to a private meeting."

"Has something else happened then?" He asked, following him to a door leading to the Keep's dungeon.

"Not here. Someone could be listening."

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now