41: Wolves

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I couldn't sleep. Dorian and I had shared another private evening. It had been wonderful sharing dinner with him in front of the fireplace. Afterward, he'd suggested reading together which had both surprised and pleased me. I was more than happy to oblige him since his earlier resistance to openly being my lover had all but disappeared. Though he still blushed and showed some distress whenever we left Skyhold, he'd gradually lost all self-consciousness about "us."

Just yesterday he'd kissed me in the library in front of all the mages and researchers. I'd been so surprised and aroused by his unexpected display of affection, we'd had to retire to my quarters to finish what he'd started.

It was past midnight now and he lay sleeping peacefully at my side, his face the picture of bliss. I didn't know what had woken me, but I was filled with the feeling of  overwhelming unease. I could sense nothing within the castle which might have disturbed my sleep.

No cries of alarm or disturbance of any kind reached my ears. Restless and careful not to wake Dorian, I rose from the bed and headed for the balcony overlooking the garden.

The unease didn't dissipate, nor did it increase, yet I still felt as though something was wrong. Maybe it was just worry for Dorian, but that didn't feel right. I was always worried for Dorian now. Ever since Solas had disappeared, I'd been on edge with anxiety over his motives. I wished I knew where he was and what he wanted with Dorian. It seemed he wanted him dead, yet he could have killed him a hundred times over and hadn't. Why the tricks and spells? There was more going on with Solas than any of us understood, but damned if I knew what.

The cry of wolves suddenly pierced the quiet of the night and goosebumps broke out on my arms. A pack of them had been circling Skyhold for the better part of the past week. Cullen had sent soldiers out to deal with them after they'd attacked one of our supply caravans. They'd killed the pack, but the following night a new pack appeared.

I didn't like it at all, it wasn't natural. But I also couldn't justify killing every wolf pack who took up residence outside our walls. I was worried, but we couldn't waste resources over my fears when we still had Corypheus to deal with.

Dorian moaned in his sleep and I was at his side in an instant, my heart in my throat. I knew I was overreacting, but couldn't help it. I slid under the covers and pulled him tight against my chest as I breathed in his intoxicating scent.

"Amatus." He whispered through closed lids.

He was still fast asleep as he spoke, my heart swelling with love for him. That he called my name in sleep was overwhelming and precious. I loved him so much and so fiercely, I was almost afraid of how strong my feelings for him were.

A sigh escaped me. I hated not knowing where Solas had gone or if he was still a threat and it was making me paranoid. Yet even as my eyes drifted closed, my arm draped protectively over Dorian's side, I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched.


Nathaniel and Leliana had left early that morning, saying only that Leliana had received a message regarding a mysterious package from Divine Justinia and they were off to retrieve it. She had asked the Inquisitor to accompany her and there was no need to bring anyone else.

Nathaniel had kissed him goodbye, promising he'd be back soon. Dorian's heart had swelled at those words, being so unaccustomed to the love he was now being showered with. He wasn't sure how to handle any of it.

The end of the Inquisition's journey loomed on the horizon and yet he still couldn't decide what that would mean to him when it came. The thought of not being at Nathaniel's side for any reason after they dealt with Corypheus, filled him with a heartache he'd never felt before. He hoped Nathaniel felt the same and that nothing would change between them, but he didn't know.

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