40: Snowy Wyvern

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Following my talk with Varric and Leliana, I'd wanted to speak with Dorian privately. Unfortunately, Vivienne was still waiting on me to get her damn wyvern hearts. Though I had no desire to do her any favours, I remembered Leliana and Cassandra's warnings and knew I couldn't ignore it.

"Why are we here again?" Sera groused.

I hadn't brought Cole or Iron Bull back to the Plains. It would have brought up too many memories I would just as soon forget, so instead I'd brought Sera and Cassandra along with Dorian.

"Vivienne needs an ingredient for a potion." I answered, wading through the knee-high waters of the cove. Scouts had found a wyvern nest close to where a High Dragon made its home. I wasn't in the mood for dragons today, and was hoping the wyvern's were smart enough to keep their distance.

"And you just agreed to get it for her?" She asked, incredulous. "I don't know why you put up with her Inquisitor. She's no one's friend yeah?"

"Maybe not Sera, but I don't want to make her an enemy either."

"Pfft. You think doing her a favour will make her like you more?" She scoffed. "That's just stupid."

"Hasn't anyone ever told you about keeping enemies close?" Cassandra asked, following behind her.

"Course they have." Sera retorted. "But Viv's a snake. You don't make friends with snakes."

"It's not about making friends dear girl." Dorian admonished. "We're just delaying her ambitious nature for a short time."

"It's still stupid. But whatever. Not my problem yeah? Let's just get this thing she needs and get back to Skyhold. I hate this place."

An hour later we had the snowy wyvern heart along with a few regular hearts. As hunting went, it had been a pretty easy fight. We returned to Skyhold and I headed to Vivienne's room to give her the hearts.

"I have what you asked for Lady Vivienne." I said. "Now, can you tell me what they're for?"

"I can do better than that darling. Come with me Inquisitor."


We returned to Orlais and the palace where I'd first met Vivienne and were standing in the master bedroom. An older man was asleep in the bed. Vivienne told me we wouldn't be there long. I watched as she went to his side, lifted him up and helped him to drink the potion she'd made.

"Vivienne?" He said, opening his eyes. "You're here?"

"Of course I'm here my darling Bastien."

"It'll be all right my love." He said weakly, his eyes drifting closed again. "It'll be all right."

"Darling? Bastien?" Her voice was tight with unshed grief as she stood there, frozen in place. Bastien was gone, as was any trace of whatever emotion had drawn Vivienne to his side.

A minute passed and she straightened, her posture stiff, her face a cold mask of indifference.

"Let us leave Inquisitor." She said, not meeting my eyes. "There is nothing here now."

Back at Skyhold, Vivienne told me how she'd met Bastien, her lover. She then fell into a clinical state, listing all the things she needed to take care of. She needed to make funeral arrangements and inform his children of his passing.

"If you need anything Lady Vivienne, just ask." I said.

"Thank you my dear." She said. "But it won't be necessary."

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