72: Barrier

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When he'd seen Nathaniel standing in the room with him and Maevaris, his hand on his arm he'd been overcome with shock and shame. As the light from Maevaris' spell faded he'd been inundated with an overwhelming wave of emotion and memories. His heart and mind had warred within him and he'd been unable to sift through any of it before darkness clouded his vision and he blacked out.

He didn't know how long he'd been unconscious when he became aware of the sound of someone's soft breathing. He could feel the gentle press of a blanket on his bare arms and legs, and the welcome comfort of a soft mattress at his back. He was so relaxed, he felt almost boneless yet his mind refused to let him drift off again.

Who was breathing? Was it him? With difficulty, he forced his eyes open and turned to the source of the sound. Nathaniel lay beside him, his face peaceful as he slept quietly. A sudden pain stabbed through his heart. Was this real? Was his amatus really here or was it some cruel trick his mind was playing on him? He had to know. He didn't want it to be a dream, something that would fade as soon as he woke fully.

Reaching a hand out from beneath the covers, he pushed the hair from Nathaniel's brow which had fallen over his eyes in sleep. His breath caught as the vision remained and he waited for him to disappear. Instead, Nathaniel's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at him. A tear trickled down his cheek as he watched his amatus' eyes fill with love and longing.

"Dorian." He said softly. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I... I'm not sure." He stammered, his heart thudding. "Are you real?"

"Of course I'm real." He said, his hand reaching out to caress his cheek. "I'm very real. I came to find you."

"You came for me?"

"Of course I came for you Dorian. I love you. You're my entire world. I would do anything to keep you safe. I just hope you can forgive me."

"Forgive you?" Dorian frowned. "Forgive you for what amatus?"

"I was supposed to keep you safe. I made a promise and I failed you. I let Solas take you from me." He whispered, his voice breaking. "I'm so sorry Dorian."

"Amatus. You have nothing to apologize for. I know you did everything you could. I'm just glad you found me."

"Are you sure? You seem awfully surprised I came for you. What did Solas do to you to make you think I wouldn't come?"

"I'm not sure." He stammered, breaking eye contact. "Everything is still a little fuzzy."

"It's all right Dorian. You're safe now. I'll never let you out of my sight again."

"That's a nice sentiment amatus, but we both know you can't do that every day."

"I..." Nathaniel stammered, his body tensing. "No. You're right. I shouldn't make promises I can't keep."

"I didn't mean..." Dorian protested as Nathaniel rose from the bed and dressed. "Where are you going?"

"You've been through a terrible ordeal Dorian." He said, keeping his back turned. "You need your rest. I have something I need to take care of."

"Amatus wait. Please don't go."

"No. You're right. I fail at every promise I make you. I won't do it again." He said before slipping out the door.

Dorian's heart hammered in his chest like a trapped bird. What had he done? He hadn't meant to say what he had. What was wrong with him? Why was he constantly saying the wrong thing and hurting his amatus with his casual words?

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now