7: The Chosen One

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He returned to Haven with the Herald, curious to see how the alliance with the mages turned out.

"Regardless, we didn't experience it ourselves." Cassandra said. "Besides, the Herald was sent to secure an alliance with the mages and he has done that."

"Ah, the voice of reason." Dorian teased. "And here I was just beginning to enjoy the circular arguments."

"I may not fully agree, but I support the Herald's decision. The only thing that matters is sealing the breach." Cassandra replied.

"You're still here?" The Herald asked.

"Didn't I mention? The south is so quaint and rustic this time of year. So many things to recommend it."

"So you're staying then?"

"But of course." He drawled, keeping his gaze locked on the man, his thoughts alight with curiosity. "I can't leave before seeing this hole in the sky that has everyone talking. Besides, I'm in no hurry to return to my homeland. Not that I'll be missed at any rate."

"Good." The Herald smiled at him. "There's no one I'd rather be trapped in time with, future or present."

"Yes well, let's not do that again shall we?"

"Whatever we do, we still need a plan." Cullen reminded them. "We should continue this discussion in the war room."

"And here I was hoping to skip the breach. Take a nap, maybe go for a walk." The Herald joked.

"What is it they say?" Cullen smiled. "No rest for the wicked?"

"I'm going to skip the war room myself." Dorian said. "I'll be around if you'd care to talk more."

As he left the Chantry, his heart was pounding. Had the Herald just flirted with him or was he just being kind to the evil Tevinter? He was unaccustomed to receiving any acceptance outside the Imperium and thus couldn't decide.

As he crossed the courtyard, he felt several pairs of eyes follow him, their suspicion and animosity barely disguised as he passed. Though he had expected it, he was still relieved when no one accosted or threatened him. Likely it was due to the Herald's acceptance of him and not anything he'd done to help, he reasoned.

No matter, he shrugged, making his way to a small cabin near the alchemist's shop. He'd see how things went. If it became dangerous for him, he would move on. He wouldn't like it, but he had enough to worry about without adding Inquisition enemies to the list of those who wished him harm.

The Herald

After several more hours of debating our next course of action, I excused myself. Leaving my advisors to continue their discussion, I headed outside to speak with some of my newest companions.

Sera I had yet to figure out, but her light, cheery attitude was like a breath of fresh air compared to the doom and gloom I got from some of the others. The Iron bull didn't have much to say, though he approved of Cullen and how well he was training our soldiers.

Vivienne was all business. She criticized my alliance with the mages, chastising me for taking such a huge and unnecessary risk. Brushing aside my protests as though she were swatting a fly, she informed me I would have to take steps to ensure they knew their place, while recruiting ex-Templar's to watch over them all. I bristled at her arrogance and left her in a foul state of mind.

I found Cassandra on the practice field arguing with one of our mage allies. The man was complaining about everything and I could see she was resisting the urge to strike him.

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