12: Birthright

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Maker's breath he thought, watching the Inquisitor, Nathaniel, walk away. He had again forgotten to ask about using his name, something he would have to remember for next time.

Next time, he whispered. There would be a next time. Yet though the thought pleased him greatly, he worried about what would come later. No man he'd ever been with had ever wanted more. It was always just about pleasure. Shared though it was, it had begun to feel empty and pointless. He'd been hurt by those rejections so often he had stopped hoping for more long ago.

It never mattered how much he cared or how much he believed his partner cared for him. They had always turned him away from seeking or wanting anything deeper or long-term. But no matter, he shrugged. They hadn't discussed taking this further and he was content to have the man's friendship for now, if not his love.

Besides, he reminded himself, his thoughts returning to his father. Sometimes love wasn't enough and he knew that better than anyone. Best to enjoy what was offered in the moment. At least it provided him some degree of happiness and a lessening of the pull of loneliness that had been his constant companion for most of his adult life.


The Emerald Graves was a beautiful place, with lush green grass, majestic trees and a breathtaking skyline. It was a shame I couldn't stop to enjoy it. We were there to assist some refugees who had become targets of a group calling themselves the Freemen of the Dales.

They were deserters from either Gaspard's or Empress Celene's armies, whose civil war had thrown Orlais into chaos. The fighting and destruction was worse in the Exalted Plains, the sight of the destruction of the ancient elves hundreds of yeas ago. But after the kiss I'd shared with Dorian, I hadn't wanted to see that desolate place so we'd come here instead.

We hadn't accomplished much when we received word from Leliana's agents that they had returned from scouting Adamant Fortress and were forced to return to Skyhold.


After checking in with my advisors I headed to the library to speak with Dorian.

"Fancy meeting you here." He said, turning to greet me.

"I've heard mention of an amulet." I told him.

"Where did you hear that?" He demanded. "Leliana. Of course she would find out."

"But what is it Dorian?" I asked, wondering at his discomfort.

"It's the Pavus birthright. I didn't have much by way of coin when I left Tevinter, so I sold it. Entirely forbidden of course, but I was desperate. I'll get it back... somehow."

"For something you clearly value, I would have expected something more than just 'get it back somehow'."

"Just leave it be." He snapped, surprising me. "It's my mistake. I don't want you getting involved."

Speechless, I took my leave and headed for the war room, stopping when Josephine called me over. She explained she needed me to accompany her to a meeting she had with a Duke who was waiting for her in Val Royeaux.

Which also happened to be where the merchant with Dorian's amulet would be. I readily agreed to meet her there, anxious to get Dorian's amulet back before the merchant decided to approach someone else.


Andraste's ass. He was behaving badly, again. The man had only been asking a question after all, but it was one more stupid mistake he'd made in his life. He didn't want Nathaniel to know how deplorable his behaviour had been prior to joining the Inquisition. Not that he was doing a great job now. He couldn't fathom why he was being so guarded. The Inquisitor wasn't like other men he'd flirted with, he was a lot more easy-going for one thing. Yet he was afraid he'd be accused of using the man. He didn't think Nathaniel would ever do that to him, but he knew others wouldn't hesitated if they believed he was having a negative influence on their Inquisitor.

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now