38: Ancestors

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He felt a shift in his heart as he entered Skyhold's garden to speak with Morrigan. He'd never told anyone what had happened with the magister who had used him. Not Felix, who had been like a brother to him and not Alexius, who despite their falling out years later had been like a second father to him. He was surprised how light and relieved he was having told Nathaniel his sad story.

It wasn't what he'd expected. He'd believed telling his tale of woe would only reinforce his fearful reluctance to share his feelings openly with another. Yet that hadn't happened. He felt as though light had replaced the dark place in his heart where his former love had resided. It was as though by sharing his story with Nathaniel, his love for him had banished all the pain he'd carried from both his heart and soul.

He found Morrigan in the garden where she seemed to be most comfortable. She was a fascinating woman, especially since she had also been an apostate all her life. Yet she was also a mystery. She didn't despise him like most apostates did, though she had no love for the Emperium either.

"Lady Morrigan." He said, approaching her.

"Lord Pavus." She replied, inclining her head to him.

"Please, my lady, call me Dorian."

"As you wish. I assume you've come to ask me about your enchanted objects."

"I have. Did you learn anything?"

"Not much I'm afraid. As we suspected, the spell used was both complicated and simple. I was unable to trace it back to the one who cast it, but I did learn it's origins."

"Really?" Dorian was surprised and pleased to hear it.

"It came from within the walls of Skyhold. Someone amongst us did this, though the one responsible is still hidden from me."

"Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Did you learn anything else?"

"I'm afraid not." She said, sounding annoyed. "I am not accustomed to having my magic fail me, yet fail me it did. The only explanation I have for this is the mage in question is more powerful that we know. Assuming it even is a mage."

"What do you mean? Only a mage could cast spells such as we've seen."

"I never said it wasn't a mage." Morrigan snapped. "Only that they are something more. Put it this way, the only person I've ever met who might be capable of such a spell is my own mother. But she would not do this. Antics like these are petty and inconsequential. She would never waste her time on such things."

"Your mother?"

She smiled. "If you believe the stories, she is Flemeth of the Chasind or Asha'bellanar as the Dalish call her."

"Truly? I hadn't heard this." He said, noting the tension in her eyes and caught himself before he smiled at her. "I take it you and your mother are not on the best of terms."

"That would be an understatement, but you're not wrong."

"I understand Lady Morrigan." He said, dropping it. "So our villain has magical power equal to that of your mother."

"It is the only explanation for why I was unable to trace the spell's source. Whoever this is, they are dangerous. Perhaps even more dangerous than Corypheus."

"But if true, what is the purpose behind these attacks? So far they've only gone after the Inquisitor and myself."

"True. But I believe the true target is you." She said. "Have you not yet realized this? They may have attacked the Inquisitor surreptitiously but it's clear they did not intend him any harm. You have been the focus three times now."

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now