10: Warden Stroud

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After resting a few hours, I decided to head out to Crestwood to meet with Hawke's Warden friend, Stroud. Of course none of it turned out to be simple when we learned a rift had formed at the bottom of Crestwood's lake. After speaking with the mayor and dealing with a group of bandits, we opened the dam to drain the lake so we could reach the rift.

I didn't much care to be underground as we walked the damp, dripping tunnels in search of the rift.

"Is it just me," Dorian asked. "Or did the temperature just drop off dramatically?"

"No." I answered. "I feel it too."

"Damn." Varric grumbled. "That means there's probably spirits here."

"Keep your guard up." I cautioned.

"As if we aren't already on guard." Bull grumbled giving away his dislike for being underground.

"Don't care for enclosed spaces Bull?" Dorian teased.

"No, I don't." He growled. "And I'll thank you to keep it to yourself Vint."

"So long as you watch where you're pointing that thing." Dorian retorted.


"Vishante kaffas! That's not... ugh! I meant your sword."

"Here, let me flex for you, give you a better view."

"I think I may vomit." Dorian muttered.

"Quiet. Both of you." I hissed.

"Sorry boss." Iron Bull mumbled while Dorian merely looked green.

I happened to feel the same after hearing Bull's comment, even as I felt a rush of jealousy at the oxman's open sexual taunt. Perhaps bringing him had been a mistake, but it was too late to turn back now. The sooner I closed the rift, the sooner we could return to the surface.


He couldn't believe what the Qunari mercenary had just said to him. Embarrassed and disgusted didn't quite cover it. Especially since the comment had clearly been intended to let him know the Iron Bull knew he desired the company of a man.

Andraste's flaming ass! Despite his efforts to conceal his preferences, the damned Qunari had already figured it out and his reaction to him hadn't helped. Thankfully, the Inquisitor had put an end to the exchange and with it he'd detected a note of irritation in the man's voice. Frustrated by the fact he had walked into the trap with his own words, he kept any further comments he might have made to himself.

After closing the rift and returning to Crestwood, Dorian wanted nothing more than to get as far from the Iron Bull as possible. He could feel the Qunari watching his every move and felt his skin itch with the sensation.

The mayor tuned out to have fled town after leaving behind a note of confession.

"So the good mayor drowned his own people?" Varric sighted.

"The townsfolk won't be happy when they find out about this." Bull agreed.

"What a sad business." Dorian murmured. "Will the Inquisition bring him in I wonder?"

"I don't know." The Inquisitor sighed. "Let's go meet with Stroud and head back to Skyhold."

"No arguments here boss." Bull said, falling in behind him.


So Grey Wardens were under the influence of Corypheus. That was just great I sighed, retiring to my room. After meeting with my advisors, I was in desperate need of some privacy.

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