52: Corypheus

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Seconds later I felt the press of fabric against my back and the whisper of hushed voices. Blinking, I opened my eyes to stare up at the familiar canopy of my bed at Skyhold.

"You're back!" Merrill cried happily as Hawke and I sat up. "Did you see Feynriel? Did he give you his message?"

"One question at a time." Fenris growled, moving to Hawke's side.

"Right. Sorry Fenris."

"We did Merrill." I said, rising from the bed to stretch my legs. "It's complicated, but right now I need to speak to Iron Bull. If you and Varric could return downstairs, I think we'll be ready to go after Corypheus soon."

"Really?" Varric frowned. "Our spymaster knows where he is then?"

I shook my head. "No. I just have a feeling we'll be confronting him sooner rather than later."

"Hmph." He grunted, turning to Merrill. "Come on Daisy, walk me to the main hall. If we're going to be leaving soon, I think I want a nice cold ale first."

"Lead the way then Varric."

"Do you need me to bring you anything?" I asked Hawke as I moved to the stairs.

"No. I think we're good for now Inquisitor." She smiled.

"Alright. Stay here until I get back with Bull's potion."


Bull was working on his fourth ale, grumbling about Krem and Stitches, neither of whom had returned when Nathaniel appeared beside him.

"Amatus." He sighed, his shoulders relaxing.

"Dorian." He smiled. "Bull, I hear you might have a potion for us."

Bull paled and leaned away from the bar. "How do you know that?" He demanded.

"It's not important right now. Do you know what's keeping Krem and Stitches?"

He shook his head. "Sorry boss, but I don't."

They were interrupted then when one of Leliana's agents appeared.

"Inquisitor." She said, breathless. "Your advisors wish to speak with you immediately."

Nathaniel sighed. "Right now?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well. Tell them I'll be right there." He said, nodding to her. "Bull, keep an eye on Dorian for me?"

"You got it boss."

"Amatus?" Dorian frowned as Nathaniel kissed him softly on the lips.

"I'm sorry my heart, but I have to go. Stay with Bull, I don't want you left alone."

"Alright, but hurry back. I miss having you at my side."

"As I miss you." He smiled. "See you soon."


"Do we have any idea where Corypheus might be?" Cullen demanded as I entered the war room. "He can't have gone far."

"I'm sorry Commander." Leliana answered. "But my spies were unable to track him after he left the Arbour Wilds."

"There must be some way for us to..." Josephine began when the mark on my hand blazed to life.

They all turned to stare at me seconds before a giant boom shook the ground and green light filled the air. We all turned to the window to where a giant pillar of green fire shot into the sky, seeming to originate from the ruins of the Temple of Sacred Ashes.

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