20: Chess

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After Dorian left to speak with Leliana, I changed out of my travel clothes and headed to the stables to speak with Blackwall. I hadn't spent much time with him since Adamant or brought him on many of my excursions throughout Thedas. Part of it was his attitude towards nobles in general, Dorian in particular. Coupled with his lack of insight into the Wardens and Corypheus I'd been hard pressed to find any reason he would be helpful out in the field. I hoped by now that his perspective had seen some improvement, though I wasn't holding my breath.

"Inquisitor." He said, looking up from working on a wooden rocking horse he was crafting. "This... this is just something to keep idle hands busy."

"It's finely crafted." I said, admiring the woodwork.

"Thank you. Also, I'm glad you stopped by. I've been meaning to thank you for tracking down the Grey Warden artifacts. You're a busy man, you didn't have to help me yet you did anyways. I appreciate that."

"Just glad I could help." I said, still eyeing the horse.

"Was there something else you needed?"

I hesitated. "There is actually. I wondered if you might have different opinions about nobles since your arrival at Skyhold. When we met, your perspective was a little harsh."

Blackwall blushed and looked away. "Oh. Yes, I owe you an apology for my careless remarks. I didn't mean to insult you or our allies."

"Actually, I think you did." I countered. "I accept your apology, but I would hope you and everyone else here could set aside their preconceived notions about others while we work together to stop Corypheus."

"You have a fair point and though it's not one of my better qualities, I will do my best. Also, I wonder if you could apologize to Dorian for me? I feel I've judged him more harshly than I should."

"I could, but wouldn't you prefer telling him yourself?"

"You honestly think he'd believe me? I'm not so sure about that."

"I'll pass on the message then."

"I would be grateful, and I will do my best to reserve judgment on anyone else I might have a problem with."

"Good and thank you. It's all I ask. I just want everyone to feel welcome here. Perhaps you'd care to join Commander Cullen and I for a game of chess this evening?"

"I appreciate the thought Inquisitor, but I never learned how to play. Perhaps we could meet for drinks some time ?"

"I'd like that. I'll let you know when I'm next available."


Following Varric's toast, Iron Bull had joined them and they'd enjoyed another round before someone suggested a game of Wicked Grace. So far, he'd lost twice and won once, breaking even.

"I think I should quit while I'm ahead." Dorian announced. "But before I go why do you smell like overly sweet fruit? It's quite a pungent aroma."

She giggled, smiling mischievously. "Bull and I came up with a drink we named after you."

"You're joking."

"Nope, no joke."

"Alright, but why fruit?"

"Because it's equal parts smooth and tart. Like your words. And how you look at the Inquisitor."

"I do not look sweet when I look at the Inquisitor." Dorian retorted, his cheeks flushing.

"That's cute what you're doing there, but yeah, you do." She teased. "Don't worry, most of us are happy for you."

"I... had no idea."

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