45: Creators

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I was pacing the floor of my bedroom when Varric and Merrill joined me.

"Goodness!" Merrill exclaimed. "I've never seen a bedroom so beautiful before. Hawke's room was grand, but this is stunning."

Varric chuckled. "Now Daisy, what do you expect for someone who's saving the world?"

"Well I don't know." She replied. "I suppose it's fitting then."

"So Varric." I began, interrupting their exchange. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Daisy had something she wanted to tell you."

"Alright. Let's hear it." I said, knowing my voice was more stern than usual.

Merrill nodded. "Right. Well Varric mentioned you wanted to know more about the Dread Wolf."

I nodded for her to continue.

"He was a friend of the Creators and the Old Gods, but he was also a great trickster. He betrayed them all and locked them away from the world."

"Yes, I know. I've heard this before. Is there anything else you can tell me?"

"Oh, but of course! Well, the truth is Fen'Harel was a friend to no one. He is a ruthless, selfish man who cares nothing for gods or the people. He loved to walk among the elves as though he were one of them, but he never did anything to help them. He was no teacher, nor mentor or friend. He only ever observed and liked to play games with those of his own kind. After the fall of Arlathan, there was talk he might have started it all."

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning.

Merrill looked past me to the frozen landscape outside my balcony door. "He tricked both sides into believing something about the other."

"You mean the elves fought a civil war based on lies started by the Dread Wolf?"

She nodded. "Not all of it was all his fault, but yes he tricked his own people the same way he did the gods."

"Clearly not a nice individual." I said. "I'd like to know about the curse regarding the Dread Wolf. What does it mean?"

Merrill frowned. "What curse?"

"May the Dread Wolf take you." I quoted.

She blushed. "Oh. That. Well, I'm not entirely sure but in my clan, we always thought it meant that if the Dread Wolf came for you, you would be cursed to walk in the Fade forever."

"I see. Doesn't seem like a pleasant fate."

"No. The stories say the Dread Wolf is more in love with the spirits in the Fade than the mortals in the real world. If he thought you deserved it, he had the power to trap you in the Fade for all time."

"But don't mortal spirits pass through the Fade and into the Veil, the realm of the Golden City?"

"Oh yes, they're supposed to."

"What happens when they can't?"

"I suppose they go mad eventually. Perhaps that's what makes some spirits become demons."

"I see. One more thing. You spoke of Fen'Harel as though he were still alive. Is there something more to that?"

"After he sealed the gods in their realms, he alone was left with the ability to walk in the Fade and live among mortals. But no one knows what he did next. The ancient elves had all but destroyed themselves, the Magisters of the Imperium killing or enslaving the rest, while the humans of Thedas fought darkspawn and each other. There was no one left to record much of anything that was going on then, especially not anything to do with elven gods."

"So your people believe he's still alive somewhere?"

Merrill nodded. "Of course. They say nothing can stop the Dread Wolf. Except perhaps another god, but they're all gone now."

I was thoughtful. All this time, talking about Fen'Harel had begun to set my teeth on edge. I felt as though we were being watched, but more than that I felt I had forgotten something very important. Something that threatened all of Thedas, while also being a more personal threat to myself and my friends at Skyhold.

"Inquisitor?" Varric said, frowning, "You think of something?"

"Maybe. All this talk of the Dread Wolf... I feel I've forgotten something important."

"I know the feeling. I don't like the idea some rogue elven god might be wandering Thedas looking to cause trouble. We've got enough trouble already."

"That's an understatement." I said, my smile grim. "Was there anything else Merrill?"

She nodded, looking worried. "I received a message in a dream from an old friend. I haven't heard anything else yet. I'm not a very good Dreamer."


"Yes. There are those among my people who used to be very powerful Dreamers. Not only could they shape the world of the Fade, but the minds of the living and the real world. They were considered very dangerous."

I wasn't following what she was telling me at all. "So what's this about a friend?"

"Oh! Right. Well I can't understand his message, but he said Hawke is on her way and he'll pass the message on to her."


"That's right." Varric answered. "She and Fenris are on their way here remember?"

"Yes, but you didn't say why."

"That's because she didn't tell me why. But I suspect Fenris just didn't want her hanging around a bunch of Wardens."

"Oh." I had no idea what to say to that. "Any idea when we should expect them?"

"Soon, I would imagine."

"Alright. Well thank you Merrill. What you've said certainly helps me understand Fen'Harel a little better."

"Oh, you're quite welcome!" She blushed. "I enjoy telling stories about my people."

"Come on Daisy." Varric said, heading for the stairs. "Let's get a drink."

"Oh Varric," She teased. "Are you ever not thirsty?"

He chuckled as he led her down the stairs, but made no comment.


He woke with a start, blinking furiously while he tried to remember where he was. As the library came into focus, a tingle of alarm shot through him. What was he still doing in the library? Why had he fallen asleep?

His heart thudded in his chest as he got to his feet. He wasn't sure how long he'd been here or why he'd blacked out so completely.

"You're awake." Fiona said as he stepped out of his small alcove. "I was beginning to be concerned Lord Pavus."

Dorian frowned. He hated titles, but was still too disoriented to correct her.

"Are you well?" She asked. "You seem to be spending a lot of time in that chair."

He didn't know the former First Enchanter well, only that she was elven and had voted for the mages to leave the Circles.

"I'm fine thank you."

"You seem to be getting on quite well with the mage, Solas."

"I am?"

"Don't you remember? He was up here not long ago to speak to you. He seemed very concerned."

"Solas was concerned? About me?" It was so foreign a concept, he couldn't wrap his mind around it.

She frowned. "Perhaps you're not as fine as you think. Maybe you should talk to the Inquisitor?"

Dorian felt his blood chill at the mention of the Inquisitor. The thought filled him with dread and a sense of loss he didn't understand.

"No, truly, I'm fine. Just tired from all the travelling we've been doing lately."

"Of course." She nodded, clearly not believing him. "My mistake."

Frowning at her, he left the library and headed outside to the lower courtyard. Perhaps some fresh air would help.

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