26: Lady Morrigan

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I ran out of time to speak with more of our companions regarding Dorian and myself. Things in Orlais were still chaotic, and advisors and messengers were running up to me as soon as I stepped out of the tavern. Most of them were carrying letters regarding urgent matters apparently only I was capable of dealing with.

Aside from the usual problems with the nobility, Cullen had found evidence placing much of Corypheus' lyruim mine in the Emrpise du Lion. He needed us to go there immediately and put a stop to it's production.


As locations went, the Emprise was no vacation spot. Great drifts of snow covered the landscape and for no reason anyone could explain, it's only river had frozen solid overnight. On top of that were well-armed groups of Red Templars, many of which had presumably, through the use of red lyrium, now stood over ten feet tall.

He was cursing under his breath as Nathaniel rushed ahead again in a stealth move to try and take one of them by surprise. Didn't he understand he was no match for those things? His teeth were on edge as he watched in horror when Nathaniel went down, unconscious, again.

Kaffas! He swore, readying a spell to revive him and barely missing having the Templar who'd taken him down take off his own head. Shit!

Cassandra glared at him as she took up a position at his back, her eyes saying everything he needed to know. He couldn't keep risking himself and their companions every time Nathaniel went down, which of late was becoming more and more frequent.

"Dorian." Cassandra huffed, catching her breath as he cast his revival spell. "You must get your priorities straight."

"I'm know what I'm doing Cassandra." He growled.

"I'm sure you do. But does the Inquisitor? Perhaps it's time to talk to him about... recent events."

"Why me?"

"Do you really have to ask Sparkler?" Varric teased.

"Kaffas." He muttered. "Very well. Set up camp and I'll talk to him."

Nathaniel was sitting on a log resting when Dorian took a seat beside him. He didn't say anything, but shifted closer when he sat down.

"Amatus." He began.

"I know what you're going to say." He said, sounding tired. "I've been taking too many risks. I'm sorry my heart. I don't know what's wrong or why I suddenly can't hold my own against these Templars."

"Well at least you're aware." Dorian sighed. "But Cassandra wanted me to speak to you about it."

"She did? Why?"

"Because I've been putting all my energy into protecting you and ignoring my own safety."

"Bloody mage..." He muttered. "I'm sorry Dorian. Why do I keep screwing up? I know better. If it were you risking yourself while I watched I wouldn't be as calm as you're being right now."

"True." Dorian smiled. "You'd be yelling at me and waving your arms about in the air like a wild animal."

Nathaniel laughed. "You're right, I would. If I promise not to do it again will you forgive me?"

"I might be persuaded to once we return to Skyhold."

Nathaniel turned to him and kissed him hard on the lips, his hand going to the back of his head to hold him close. "Does this help?"

"You're on the right track amatus." He whispered.

"In that case, you don't need to worry. I'll stop going after the hard targets and rushing into their midst alone."

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now