70: Magisters

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My palms were slick as the carriage pulled to a stop outside the massive building where the banquet was being held. Maevaris stepped out of the carriage first, allowing Cullen and Cassandra to take up positions to either side of me.

We were followed by half a dozen guards as Maevaris led us inside the building. I could feel my jaw drop at the opulence which greeted us. Gold, silver and gems of unimaginable worth glittered on every available surface. The room was packed with magisters and their accompanying guards. A path had been cleared allowing us to walk the length of the hall as the honoured guests we were.

No one, save for the man who announced us, spoke. The silent appraisal of our party raised the hairs on the back of my neck and I felt like a prized bull being put on display for inspection, but I shook it off. Now was not the time for doubt or fear. I was the Inquisitor. I'd defeated Corypheus, an ancient and powerful magister. I would not allow myself to be intimidated here.

We reached the far end of the hall and a second speaker replaced the first. He began by welcoming us to the Imperium before launching into a grand speech about Tevinter's long undefeated history and their renowned power. After the first few minutes of this, I tuned him out, hearing nothing of what he said as I searched the crowd for Dorian.

Maevaris had assured me earlier that he would be here. As heir to House Pavus, he was expected to make an appearance and claim his place among the rest of the magisters. If he didn't, they would waste no time declaring his claim forfeit before dividing up the family assets and appointing someone else to the vacant magisterial seat.

I could see no sign of him though and tuned back in to what the speaker was saying, just as he wound down his speech. The crowd before us erupted into applause and I felt my face flush for having missed what had set them off. With a nudge from Cassandra, I moved to the podium to thank those gathered for their hospitality and warm welcome.

As soon as I finished, the hall erupted in applause once more before the speaker from earlier announced that food was being served in an adjoining hall. Slaves would be bringing drinks around while everyone made their way to their assigned seats.

The applause died away and soon after, magisters were crowding around us, eager to personally introduce themselves and welcome me to Tevinter. I gritted my teeth at the sea of people surrounding us. I wanted to find Dorian. I wanted to go home and I wanted to put an end to Solas once and for all. I did not want to make nice with a bunch of magisters who may or may not also be blood mages.

I itched to take out my blades and hack my way through them all to find Dorian, but instead I took a deep breath and made small talk with each magister who stepped up to shake my hand. I could feel Cullen and Cassandra radiating tension with each new face and I cast them a warning glance. They nodded imperceptibly, visibly relaxing even as their jaws clenched with tension.

My smile firmly in place, I turned my attention back to yet another magister who held his hand out to me. I had no idea how many of them wished to greet me personally, but hoped the list didn't include everyone in attendance. My anxiety at not finding Dorian earlier was quickly wearing away what little patience I had for these proceedings and didn't know how much more I could take before I snapped.


When the Inquisitor arrived followed closely by his two known advisors and led by Magister Maevaris Titus into the hall, he felt oddly uncomfortable by the sight. Maevaris was his friend. The fact that she'd made no effort to inform him the Inquisitor was her guest hurt. But more than that it was unforgivable. How could she not have told him personally? He'd worked with the man to help stop Corypheus for Maker's sake.

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