You're Name is Andrew

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I walked out to the car and got in. Matt got in the passenger side. He looked over to me curiously and it was starting to bother me. "What?" I asked a bit irritated.

"You're my agent? Really?" he asked, I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I've been training since I was in diapers, I speak German, Japanese, Spanish, English, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, and French... fluently, I have a black belt in seven different forms of martial arts, and I'm only sixteen," I said before I looked over to him. His eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Impressive," he breathed. I backed out and headed to the school.

"Thanks," I muttered. "Remember, no one here knows who you really are, so your head needs to shrink a bit. You don't get everything you want and you have to put in the work. Your cover name is Andrew Cole."

He smirked at me before he rolled his eyes at me. He leaned back into the seat and put his feet up. I sighed and we finally made it to the school. I chuckled when I saw Katy grinning from ear to ear. I know she couldn't stay still. Vy, on the other hand, had her arms crossed. She wasn't looking forward to this. Matt looked at me confused again.

"What's so funny?" he asked. I only shook my head, my face turning serious. I turned to him again.

"Do... not... blow this," I said sternly. He nodded, knowing the seriousness of it all. We both got out of the car and I put the keys in my bag. We joined Katy and Vy before we walked inside; the bell ringing as we did so. I had all of the same classes as Matt, but Vy and Katy only had a few with us here and there. I walked into the first class. It was Math. My knowledge of the intricate systems of numbers surpassed the class we were taking. Being trained up early, I was actually at the level of a college student; so in hindsight, the class was boring. We had to take an assessment test to see where we were. I breezed through it and watched Matt and the surroundings carefully. He sighed and seemed to notice my antsy mood. He wrote something and folded it up. Passing it to me, he gave me a knowing look. I opened it discreetly.

Relax Marissa... it's not going to do you any good to worry, the note read. I sighed and crumbled it up. Leaning back in my chair, I closed my eyes. I took in the people's thoughts around me. Most of the teenagers' thoughts were trivial and superficial; money, relationships, celebrities, the latest gossip. I was mainly checking in to see if anyone had gotten a bit curious about "Andrew". A few thought had to do with Matt, but they were not questioning his identity. They were only checking him out. I giggled out loud a bit when I read one girl think; the new guy was hot and has a sexy butt that made her want to jump on it. Most eyes drifted to me, including Matt's. I cleared my throat and started doodling on some paper. Finally, the class ended. I stood and waited for Matt, but the girl who liked his butt, Jasmine was her name, stayed to talk to him. He waved me off and stayed behind to flirt with her. I rolled my eyes and went to my locker... which was right next to his. UJAA had really thought of everything. After I placed my books in my locker and reorganized my locker for the second time, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I quickly grabbed the hand and twisted it. I also twisted my body around to see who it was. I gasped and let go of his hand. I bit my lip softly and looked at Matt shaking out his hand.

"Sorry," I mumbled an apology. "But you shouldn't sneak up on me like that. You're lucky I saw you in time before I snapped your wrist," I said the last sentence lowly. He finished shaking out his hand and laughed softly. He hesitantly put his hands on my shoulders and bent down a bit to look at me in the eyes.

"It's really, fine. It didn't hurt that much," he lied. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, straightening back up. "You just need to relax some. You're so tense and worried that something is going to go wrong. Just loosen up." He smiled. I smiled at the irony of him telling me what to do. He seemed to take that as a good sign and we started walking to our next class. Curiosity got the best of him.

"What was so funny in class today?" he asked, finding his opening. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I looked over to his truly curious face and sighed.

"That girl who came to see you after class thought you had a nice butt," I smiled looking forward to avoid his eyes. He laughed as well and then looked at me curiously.

"How did you know that?" he asked. I smiled and started walking to our next class.

"It's why I was recruited so young. I... know what people are thinking. It comes in handy in my area of expertise," I explained quietly. I led us to our next class. Being as thorough as UJAA was, we were handed maps of the school earlier, and I already had the whole school memorized.

"Do you think my butt is cute?" Matt asked. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I looked over to him to see that he was completely serious. I laughed at his expression.

"Honestly?" I said raising an eyebrow at him. "I think that you're like every other spoiled guy who can sing, and I'm not going to contribute to your big head." I answered truthfully. He looked at me a bit shocked and then looked forward. After a while he smiled back at me.

"You think my butt is cute," he said confidently. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, but I didn't deny it.

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