Birthday Surprise

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Another week passed and I was slowly getting better. The first few days, I didn't even come out of my room, but eventually, Katy dragged me out to teach a class. By Friday, I was busy again, but I still wasn't happy. Saturday, I was in the middle of teaching an abilities class when callers came in to get me. I stopped what I was doing and followed them, but they didn't lead me to the assignment room; they continued on to the lounge. The lounge was dark and strangely quiet. The callers flicked on the lights and people popped out from everywhere yelling surprise.

"Happy birthday!" they yelled in unison. My hand flew to my chest as if to slow my pounding heart. With everything going on, I'd completely forgotten that today was my seventeenth birthday. I smiled half-heartedly as I was congratulated and hugged. I thanked people when necessary and quickly found Katy and Vy. They were practically glowing as they smiled.

After the commotion died down a bit, the food was served. All of my favorite songs were playing and everyone quickly started turning the lounge into a dance floor. I stayed to the edges and sipped my fruit punch. The music was turned off as Katy stood on a chair and clapped her hands.

"Time for cake and presents," she announced. The cake was brought out and everyone sang the traditional 'Happy Birthday' song. After everyone who wanted one was given a piece of cake, Katy dragged me to the presents. It was a slow a painful process, but eventually, every present was opened and everyone was thanked. I received a lot of new spy gear, clothes, and money. When everything was wrapping up, Headmaster jogged in a bit out of breath.

"Wait!" he breathed. Stopping, he looked at me. "I have one more present for you." He smiled and looked towards the door.

My heart skipped a few beats and my breath caught in my throat as I looked at who was standing in the door. Tears of joy stung my eyes and a smile spread across my face. Matt's face looked the same as mine. I walked over to him quickly and threw my arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly to me. His arms came around me and squeezed me just as hard. I stood on my toes and rested my head on his shoulder. I laughed once through my tears and closed my eyes. I swear I could've kissed Headmaster just then. Matt was here; he was actually here. I pulled back and put my hands on either one of his cheeks. I smiled at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly. I noticed just then that it was quiet. Everyone was listening to our reunion, but I couldn't find it in myself to tear my eyes away from his. It felt like if I looked away for even a second, he would disappear. He shrugged and his smile widened.

"Mr. Freeman came to me and said that he saw what happened at my concert," Matt stopped and blushed a bit. "Long story short, he told me that you were a mess too and he wanted to surprise you by me being at your birthday party." Everyone around us laughed softly; I joined in for a second before I stopped and just smiled. His hands rested on my lower back and he looked... peaceful. I felt peace as well. It felt like a piece of me had just been replaced.

"Best... birthday present... ever," I breathed. He chuckled before his lips crushed down onto mine. I kissed him back just as eagerly. There was cheering and whistling, but I couldn't have cared less. My eyes fluttered closed and I just enjoyed whatever moment I would get with Matt.

It was a while before someone finally tapped my shoulder. I pulled back and blushed. Matt chuckled and pecked my cheek. I looked around to find Headmaster. I saw him smiling at me almost... fatherly. I ran to him and wrapped him in a hug. He sighed contently and hugged me back.

"Thank you," I breathed smiling. He chuckled and let go of me. I took a step back. He looked to Matt and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Go ahead kiddo," he smiled. I thanked him again before I went back to Matt and took his outstretched hand. Matt kissed my head smiling and I led him away. Everyone went back to their business; leaving the lounge and going back to what they were doing. It was still light outside, so most people went back to their classes. I led Matt up to my room. Vy and Katy were already there. Katy smiled and hugged Matt's side quickly.

"Nice to see you again," Katy giggled. "That was... some show the other day though." She giggled and skipped away. Matt blushed and looked at me. I smiled and blushed as well. He turned back to Katy.

"Nice to see you again as well," he smiled. "Hey Vy." He smiled over at her. Vy stood with her arms crossed. When Matt talked to her, she scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. He looked away quickly, but Vy looked at me. Giving me a small smile and a wink, she turned and followed Katy out of the room. When I heard the door close, I let go of his hand and sat on my bed in criss cross. He pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. I smiled.

"Don't feel bad. I had a little... show as well here," I chuckled. He sighed and looked at me longingly.

"I missed you," he breathed. I smiled as tears stung my eyes again. I placed my hand on his cheek gently.

"I've missed you too," I smiled my voice cracking a bit at the end. He held his arms out for me and I scooted over into his lap. His arms wrapped around me automatically. We simultaneously sighed contently together. I rested my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead. After a brief moment of pure heavenly silence, I looked at him and smiled.

"How long are you allowed to stay?" I asked. He gave me a goofy lopsided grin and shrugged.

"I have no idea. He didn't really go over the specifics and I was blindfolded to even get here," Matt answered. I giggled and nodded. A yawn escaped my lips and I covered my mouth. Matt looked at me and frowned. "Are you sleepy?" he asked quietly. I nodded and closed my eyes. He shifted me to my bed effortlessly, but I clung onto him. He chuckled softly.

"Stay... stay here," I whined a bit. I scooted over and pulled him down. Chuckling, he finally gave in and laid down beside me. I snuggled into his side again as his arms came around me. Nestling my head on his chest, I closed my eyes. He pulled the covers over us and slid his fingers through a piece of my hair that fell over my shoulder. I smiled with my eyes closed and kissed the corner of his jaw. He chuckled and put both of his arms around me.

"I love you," he whispered when I was half asleep. I smiled softly before I finally fell asleep in his arms.

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