Unnannounced but Completely Loved

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Finally, the two weeks were over and I was on a plane on my way to Louisiana. I had a small bag packed. I dressed into my outfit on the plane. It was a strapless navy blue sparkly dress that clung to my curves and stopped mid-thigh. My chest was poking out of the top of the dress and the fabric hugged me tightly. My hair was curled and the long locks hung loosely a little past my shoulders. My make up matched my dress perfectly, and I topped it off with matching heels. I wanted to go all out for his surprise. Benny met me at the gate and took my bag. Benny smiled at seeing me.

"Hey kitten," he smiled. I hugged him briefly and hopped into the car. I was practically bouncing in my seat in anticipation. Benny smiled over at me. He smiled and sighed. "You look beautiful Marissa, but I think I might have to stop calling you kitten." He smiled. "I swear if that boy ever hurts you I'll kick his ass." Benny joked. I laughed and punched his arm softly.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself Benny," I smiled proudly. He chuckled and shook his head. When we reached the venue, Benny stopped the car behind the building. He got out and came over to open my door. I giggled and let him help me out. I looped my arm through his and we walked inside. The security guards smiled at Benny and me. The concert was starting in a few hours still, but the place looked packed and busy. There were noises coming from everywhere. Benny led me to a door with Matt's name on it. I smiled and knocked lightly. Benny wished me luck and went to talk to some people.

"Come in," I heard Matt say. I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. He was looking through his rack of clothes and didn't turn around right away. "Hey, George, do you think-" He stopped when he turned and saw me. I smiled at him lovingly. He looked stunned, like I was a dream. I giggled when he walked over to me. I was still only a few steps away from the door. I felt his smoldering gaze and laced my fingers with his. That seemed to pull him out of it. He smiled at me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked happily, wrapping me up in a big hug. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned back enough so I could see his face without breaking our contact. I shrugged.

"I wanted to surprise you," I explained. His lips crushed down on mine. I breathed in his intoxicating scent. I moaned when he pushed me up against the door hard. I chuckled at his habit of doing that.  He pulled back a bit and kissed me lightly but kept me boxed in. His hand rested on the door on either side of my head. His eyes ran down my body and back up to my face.

"I love that dress," he smirked. I chuckled. I could feel how much he 'loved' my dress. He pressed against me harder and I rested my head back against the door as I moaned. My breathing increased noticeably and my eyes closed for a second. He kissed the top of my chest. One of his hands rested on my lower back while the other cupped my backside. I moaned slightly louder. I arched my back for a second before I started clawing at him. I pulled him closer to me and tried to bring my lips to his. He pulled away and took a few steps back from me so we weren't touching anymore. When I caught my breath again, I crossed my arms. I shifted my weight to one leg and stuck out my bottom lip.

"No fair," I pouted. He laughed and kissed me sweetly. The door opened suddenly. Someone I didn't know peeked in and looked at Matt. We both turned our attention to him.

"Sorry Matt. I heard... noises and was just checking to make sure that you're okay," the burly man said a bit embarrassed for walking in on us. Matt's eyes flickered over to me for a second before he smiled over at the man.

"Sorry George. Everything's... fine," Matt chuckled softly. I blushed and smacked his arm when George left. He pressed me up against the door again. I gasped at the sudden moment and turned my head to the side. He brought his lips close to my ear. "Careful Marissa... or I might have to rip that pretty little dress right off of you." He growled quietly and seductively. He pressed against me harder and I felt him again. I was going to lose it if he didn't stop toying with me. I whimpered underneath him and he chuckled in my ear. He kissed my chest again and I lost it.

I brought his face back up to mine and crushed my lips against his. My hands ran down his body and stopped at his jeans. My fingers curled around the loops in his jeans and I pulled him even closer to me. He groaned and moved his hips closer. My lips eagerly attacked his and I tugged his shirt over his head. His hands ran up my back and found the zipper of my dress. Slowly, he unzipped it. The dress fell to my feet and his eyes took me in. I watched him breathlessly. When his eyes returned to mine, he looked at me lovingly and smiled softly. I was still standing in my bra and some shorts I threw on under my dress earlier. His head bent and kissed the top of my bra. I hissed in a breath as my eyes closed. He kissed the other as his hands rested on my hips.

When his face returned to me, I kissed him softly before I pulled away and took him in with my eyes. My fingers traced his tattoo and I kissed his chest. I held his cheek with one hand while the other one tangled in his hair. He swayed us back and forth slightly. Knowing that we had forever, our heated moment slowly melted into a calmer one. He kissed me softly and grabbed my hand that was holding his cheek. He leaned his head into our hands. Sighing contently, he closed his eyes for a moment and smiled.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I smiled back, whispering. He broke away from me for a moment to grab my dress that was still at my feet and slip the fabric back onto me. He zipped it up and I adjusted it. He put his hand back on my hip and I put mine around his neck. He grabbed one of my hands and held it close to his chest as he swayed us. I realized that we were dancing. He smiled at me lovingly and I returned the look.

"How long do you get to stay?" he asked quietly. He smiled, but I could see the pain and sadness in his eyes. I released my hand from his and brought it up to his cheek. I smiled sadly and I felt my eyes start to glisten.

"A week," I whispered, the own pain and sadness in my eyes unmistakable. He kissed me softly and leaned his head into my hand.

"I'll take whatever time I have with you," he whispered, the smile leaving his face. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him to me for a hug. His arms went around my waist and tightened. He held onto me like I might disappear, but he sighed contently and loosened his grip on me as I buried my head into his shoulder. He rubbed my back softly over my short dress. The door opened just then and the big burly man, George, walked in again. Seeing that we were just hugging, he sighed in relief. I giggled softly into Matt's shoulder before I pulled away. Matt looked reluctant to do so, but he finally let me go. He searched my face before he tore his eyes away from me and looked at George. I saw a peace wash over his face and he picked up his shirt. I watched, a bit reluctant that my favorite tattoo was being covered up. George looked at Matt a little surprised. I smiled and bit my lip. I liked to think that the tattoo was something just between us; obviously, George hadn't known about the tattoo. George smiled politely at me before his face turned serious towards Matt.

"First act is almost done. You're up in ten," George said. I frowned that I preoccupied him for so much time. I finally smiled again when Matt smirked at me. He laced our fingers together and followed George. My brows furrowed when we stopped backstage.

"Why am I here?" I asked him. He chuckled and kissed my forehead in between my eyebrows.

"You're going to watch the concert from the wings today," he smiled. My eyes widened and I started to shake my head. I leaned up to talk in his ear.

"I should just wait in your dressing room. The dress will already be on the floor by the time you finish," I added. I kissed his soft spot near his ear. He groaned and his face scrunched up. I held myself to him and felt him react. He held me at arm's length then and took calming breaths with his eyes closed. When he opened them, he looked directly in my eyes. I smirked at his attempt of control.

"Now who's not being fair?" he smirked as people started hooking him up to a headset microphone. I laughed and shook my head. I took a step back and crossed my arms as I smiled at him. People were rushing and yelling instructions every which way, but Matt seemed calm. If it was me, I would be freaking out. But then again, he has been doing this for a while now. Someone started shoving him towards the stage. He twisted around their arms and pecked me on the cheek quickly.

"Go rock it," I smiled at him. He nodded and kissed me one last time before he jogged up to the edge of the curtain.

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