Prom Night

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The next day, we went to a little bistro in the heart of Hollywood. As expected, the cameras were all over it. It was Matt's idea to bring us to the public again. Matt certainly got a kick out of it. I was... immune to it by now. I only focused on Matt and my coffee. I ignored the flashes and questions. By the time we managed to escape, I was sure we would be all over E! tonight. I gave Matt a look when we got back into the house.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked. He laughed and kissed my nose. He stopped and thought about it for a second before he nodded.

"Yes," he gloated. I rolled my eyes and slapped him arm playfully.

"We're leaving in an hour, are you ready?" I asked. He nodded and brought our bags to the car. By the time we were all set, it was time to leave. We flew Coach and made it to Houston in a few hours. Headmaster got us a limo for the whole time we would be here as a Prom gift. We reserved a room at a hotel ahead of time. As usual, Benny was here with us. He met us at the front and signed us in. Like in Louisiana, Matt and I shared a room, while Benny stayed next door. Prom was the next night, and Benny had our tickets ready to go. I was ready. Only one more night.


The next day, we prepped for the most part. I went to the spa and to get my hair done, while Benny took Matt to go play golf. When my hair was perfectly curled and I was glowing, I headed back to the hotel. Matt was already showered and dressed. I slipped on my dress and heels. Matt put the corsage on me and went got into the limo with Benny. Matt smiled the whole time. He left his hair blonde, instead of trying to hide it this time. We were only going to be here for one night anyway. We stopped by a place Benny picked out to take a lot of pictures beforehand. The scenery was great. The flowers went with our color scheme and an elaborate fountain stood in the background.

Finally, we made it to Prom. No one paid any attention to the limo because most people rented limos for Prom. As soon as we stepped out though, I felt as if all eyes were on us. Benny handed the tickets to the shocked ticket holder. He quickly let us all inside. Benny kept his distance but still stayed close enough for protection, if needed. For the most part, I did a good job of ignoring everyone who wasn't Matt. I did laugh when I saw a familiar face or two though. Matt held his hand out for me and we started to dance to the upbeat music. After the second fast song, we sat at a table and sipped on the water. I smiled widely when more than a few girls asked him for his autograph. He kissed me on more than one occasion throughout the night. We just settled on talking and watching for the most part. Finally, the student body president came onto the microphone.

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. It's time to announce the Prom King and Queen," she smiled. A drum roll was played as she opened the envelope. Her eyebrows shot up as she looked at the paper. "And... in a surprising last minute landside of votes, you're Prom King and Queen is Matt Jason and Marissa." She announced surprised. I smiled as Matt led me to the stage. They placed a crown on each of our heads.

"Now, please make room for the King and Queen dance," she said. A circle was made on the dance floor as we went to the middle of the floor. We started to sway slightly. I brought my mouth close to Matt's ear.

"I still can't dance," I whispered. He chuckled softly.

"Just follow my lead," he whispered back, and with that we started spinning around the circle. I eventually caught on and started moving effortlessly with him. It helped that I could read his thoughts and anticipate his moves. It seemed as if time were standing still in this moment with him. I didn't want to be anywhere else with anyone else. I didn't want to think about anything else but him. It didn't matter to me what the future holds for us, or even if UJAA would eventually get in the way of us somehow. All that mattered was that he was mine and I was his. As the song ended, he dipped me one last time and kissed me. The whistles from the crowd eventually brought me back to reality. He hugged me tightly to him and sighed.

"Best night ever," he whispered. I nodded in agreement.

"You're mine... forever."

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