Not Quite So Happy

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When it was time to go, I was in a great mood. I still didn't want to leave Matt, but I knew he would always be mine. Benny gave me three Creole servings of crawfish etouffe at the boarding site. I laughed as he wrapped me up in a signature bear hug. Matt kissed me one last, long time before I boarded. As usual, I was the only one on the private jet. I smiled the whole ride back and often admired my ring. I still couldn't believe that I was engaged. I bounced off of the plane and took my bag up to my room. I immediately pulled out my phone and called Matt.

"Hey, I made it back," I smiled. He chuckled.

"I was just about to call you. Are Vy and Katy there?" he asked cautiously. I looked around the room and smiled.

"No," I answered. "Why?"

"I wanted to talk about the engagement and I didn't know if they knew or not," he explained. I smiled and laid down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"No, they don't know, but I'm going to tell them eventually," I smiled. Just then, the door opened. They couldn't see me yet, but I heard their laughter. "I guess now is as good a time as any. I'll call you back and tell you... how it goes." I said as Katy and Vy came into view. They looked at me curiously.

"How what goes?" Vy asked cautiously.  I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I smiled softly to myself.

"I have to tell you guys something," I said bringing my eyes back to them. "When I was in Louisiana... Matt asked me something and... I said yes." I smiled. Vy gasped.

"You didn't have sex did you?" Vy asked worried. I threw my head back and laughed.

"No Vy. Not until I'm married," I said with a giggle. I held my hand out and they both gasped.

"You're engaged?" Katy beamed. She was smiling from ear to ear. She squealed and started bouncing. Vy's voice broke through our happiness.

"Stop!" Vy yelled. She looked at me shocked. "Just stop! God, Marissa, how could you be so stupid! I went along with your little fantasy for a while, but this is madness! You're only seventeen; you shouldn't be getting... married!" Vy yelled. She came up so her face was right in front of mine.

"You let him affect you and now, you're feelings have clouded your judgment. You're only seventeen and this... is a stupid idea," she said. My anger flared and my cheeks turned bright red. I glared at her as my hands balled up into fists. I took a step back.

"I'm sick of this Vy! Everytime something good happens to me, you have to find a way to ruin it. Why won't you just let me be happy? He did affect me, and I'm happy about it because now, I actually have something real in my life. It's not fair that you always try to ruin everything for me! Why don't you get it? I don't want this life anymore! I just want a normal life! And the further I am from you... the better... because then, I might actually get to be happy without you making me feel guilty about it," I yelled back. She tried to hold her glare towards me, but I could see her bottom lip quiver. She spun on her heel and stormed out of the room. The door slammed harshly behind her, but I was too steamed to worry about it. I grunted and started reorganizing my drawers for something to do.

"Marissa?" Katy's voice asked cautiously. I took a calming deep breath and turned to her. "Vy's just upset. I mean, we both are. We're losing our best friend and there's nothing we can do about it, but Vy's trying anyway. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you and I hope it all goes well, but I feel like you're slipping away and you're not even trying to stop it." She shrugged. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Tears escaped me. I brought my eyes back to hers and gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry, half of me is always somewhere else," I sighed. "It's been a very... long week. I just want to get some rest. Can we finish talking when I wake up?" I pleaded. She nodded and gave me a quick hug before she left the room. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Picking up my phone, I called Matt back and told him everything that happened. By the time I was finished, I was exhausted. I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry Marissa," Matt said sympathetically. I sighed and shrugged.

"It's okay," I sighed again. "It's been building for a while. It's not like this is the first time it's happened." I turned onto my side and yawned.

"You sound tired, Marissa. You should get some rest," he said, hearing my yawn. I sighed.

"Okay, I will. I love you," I gave in.

"Love you too," he said happily. I hung up and put the phone under my pillow before I rested my head and closed my eyes. I gave into the sleep immediately.

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