Breaking E!

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I felt lips pressed against my neck. It was the spot where Matt claimed me. I didn't move and I kept my eyes closed.

"I swear, if that spot is any bigger than it was yesterday, you're gonna pay," I muttered, keeping my eyes closed. Matt laughed and took his lips off of my neck.

"Sorry," he said. I could hear the smile in his voice. I turned over and looked at him. He was grinning like an idiot. I brought my lips to his neck and got to work on my own little claim on him. He chuckled, but didn't stop me. I only took my lips away from Matt's neck when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and smiled at Benny.

"Hey kitten. Turn on E! News. You guys are on it again," he smiled. I thanked him and closed the door. I went to the bed and grabbed the remote, turning it to the channel just in time.

"Hi, and welcome back to E! News. Our number one story is about Matt and his Juliet. They were eating dinner at a popular restaurant in Louisiana, when three guys with a gun walked in and threatened everyone. A waitress caught the whole thing on her cell phone. You just have to watch this," the reporter announced. It switched to a clip of the restaurant. It showed the leader of the group grabbing my arm and yanking me up. It showed the whole thing, even me telling Matt to call the police. It showed me holding my heel to his neck and telling him to stay down. It switched back to the anchor and the co-anchor. They were smiling widely at each other.

"I had to watch that a few times, Joanne. I mean, that tiny shy girl literally threw that robber over her," the guy anchor, Ryan, said.

"Just the other day, she was trying to hide behind Matt Jason on stage because she was shy. Did you see her on that video? She was completely in charge. She was aggressive and she was there," Joanne said matter-of-factly.

"What blows my mind is that she knew the gun was a bluff, she took on all three guys by herself, in a mini dress with heels. I mean, how often does that actually happen?!" Ryan said excitedly. Joanne laughed.

"And did you get a look at the size of her hickey?" Joanne laughed. I blushed and subconsciously covered my neck with my hair. Matt chuckled and moved my hair aside, kissing my neck swiftly. I pushed him away and he laughed.

"Matt has definitely put his claim on her," Ryan smiled. I shut off the TV after that. Matt laughed and kissed my neck through my hair.

"I sure have," he muttered. I smiled over at him and kissed him. My eyes glanced at his neck briefly. I giggled.

"And now I have my claim on you," I smiled. I relaxed back into him as we watched movies all day with pizza and popcorn. Matt would often 'renew' his spot on my neck and I would do the same to him.

When it was time to go to sleep, I curled into Matt and closed my eyes. He chuckled and kissed my head. I peeked one eye open at him and smiled.

"Every day," he sighed dreamily. I knew what he meant. After I turned eighteen, every day would be like this. My smile widened and I kissed him softly.

"Every day," I repeated quietly. I closed my eyes again and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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