Chapter 2. Our story

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"It starts with him. But now he's gone."

"The Orange Ranger guy?"

"Yes. But please let me finish this without interruption. This is going to be long and painful. For me anyways."

They all went silent.

A deep sigh escaped the boy's lips as he started again.

"You guys think that we knew each other before, right?"

They nodded.

"Six months ago something awful had happened. There was a group of criminals in this city working together in some kind of underground system. We didn't know what they were capable of. We wanted to stop them, but there was like zero chance for it. We were only 7 guys with some superpowers against houndreads of heavily armed criminals. We knew that we are not immortal, but we had to do something against it."

He started tapping his fingers on his thigh.

"Yes, we were a group back then if you haven't figured it out yet. He was our leader. The most amazing person I've ever met... The Orange Ranger. He had a plan against them. We would've been going to make our way in to their base using guns and smoke grenades this time. Our plan was perfect, but there was one big problem that we were not prepared for. They also had a plan against us. They kidnapped me and him. We were out in town eating icecream as normal people, without our costumes when suddenly we both had bags on our heads and sleeping bullets in our necks. The next thing I remember is waking up in a cell in a dark musty room."

Vikk gave him a glass of water to help him calm his nerves. He took a sip and thanked Vikk for the liquid.

"I looked around and noticed him passed out in a cell across from me. I qickly tried to use my power to create a fireball to burn the cell, since it wasn't made of iron, but it wasn't working. Then I tried to go invisible. That didn't work either, nor flying. I realised this wasn't an ordinary cell. It was glowing for some reason with some kind of energy force around it. It turned out that force blocked my powers and my earpiece was nowhere to be seen."

He had to swallow hard before he could continue again.

"So I was trapped there, with my best friend passed out. After like two hours two guys came in with ski masks on their heads. They wanted to show the world our true identities. When he woke up, they told us we had twenty minutes to decide if we are willing to show our faces to the public or not. We decided to do it. If we didn't then they would've killed one of us on camera. Before our faces could've gone online he got something injected to his arm right before you guys found us. You bursted through the door and destroyed the camera. We were both in our cells still without our powers. Defensless. They knew you were coming. About five guys rushed in and they managed to capture Vikk and Ethan pointing guns at their heads."

Vikk gasped and looked at Ethan in disbelief. Why didn't they remember any of this?

"Harry, JJ and Tobi. You guys managed to act fast and disarmed them. You alerted the police and the FBI showed up, arresting the present villains. Jo... He blacked out again. I thought he was dead..."

His tears were threatening to fall again. He pinched the bridge of his nose to snap himself out of it.

"They dragged him away from us then put us into a strange hospital, or a lab to be exact. They kept him in a room and didn't let us in. I was eavesdroping once in front of his room. The scientists or whoever they were, said that his powers were gone and they were going to erase our memories. Before I could react, you guys were already being dragged away from me just like him before. I couldn't do anything. I thought it was better for you this way afterwards. Without your memories you would remember him and you wouldn't miss somebody who you never knew. You want to know why? Well, because he wasn't coming back for us without his powers that was sure."

"How do you remember then?" Harry had to ease the tension.

"I acted like they've already erased mine. They were pretty stupid for scientists..."

"Why? Wouldn't it be easier for you if you didn't remember him either?" Ethan asked.

"No. I didn't want to forget him. Never will."

"Did they erase his too?" Vikk asked.


"Why?" The Indian boy gasped.

"Well... His parents weren't happy when he started disappearing each day. They aranged a marriage for him with a girl who he never loved, for financial reasons. So he run away from home and started living with us, about three years ago."

"Does his name start with a J?"

"Yes Tobi. It does actually. Why?"

"Because the letter J was on my mind for so long... And I feel like I've known him for the longest time."

"Your sixth sense is right. You were the first one to meet him out of us. You were in the same highschool."

"I want to remember so bad." The dark skinned boy mumbled. "Do you think there's a way to get our memories back.?"

"I truly don't know."

"Simon, can I ask you something? How did we become the Sidemen?"

"I've been friends with JJ since highschool just like you and him. Then we met you, and he introduced us to him. Till this day I don't know how did Vikk, Ethan and Harry join us. We all had superpowers and after a while we had the courage to tell each other that we had them. We've improved them as much as we could, then decided to use them for the good. It was Josh's idea in the first place."

"Josh. Oh my God! He was your boyfriend Simon!" Ethan exclaimed.

Simon blushed and shushed him.

"No he wasn't. Did you have a flashback, or where did this come from?"

"Yeah, about you two hugging and you saying 'I love you Josh'."

"We were best friends, okay?"

"Sure." Storm rolled his eyes. "It's funny how we found our ways back to each other, despite having no memories."

The blonde nodded.

"Where is he now?" Haz asked.

"Living a beautiful life with his family somewhere in the city center."

"Have you seen him since the accident?"

"No Bog, but it's better this way."

"I just can't understand. How could we live without our memories without realising we didn't have them? I have some, but none of them contains you guys..." Vikk trailed off.

"I think they might have given you fake ones. That's all I know." Simon sighed and got up from his seat. "Don't ever try to find him."

"We won't."


Word count :1161

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now