Chapter 15. I'll show you

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They knew that the house was empty but they decided to sit on the roof instead of going up after they parked the car in the garage. It was their new habbit. They loved sitting there as the cool autumn breeze hit their skin. Sometimes they stayed there talking until the sun came up.

What now?" Josh loosened his tie looking towards the blonde.

"What do you mean?"

"We interfered his kidnap, but we didn't get them. We know don't have evidence to show the police so they can arrest them." He sighed, removing his fake lipring.

"But we are one step closer to them. Now we know who to look for." Simon hummed putting away his glasses.

"True." Josh let out a deep breath pulling his jacket closer. "I'm going in. It's too cold for my liking." He chuckled climbing off of the roof.

Simon followed him. "Same. Plus I have to take out my fake lenses. These things are annoying as hell."

After Simon fixed his hair, he removed the lenses in his bathroom then started rubbing his eyes like there was no tomorrow.

"Calm down. You are not helping it, just making it worse." Josh came up behind him grabbing his hand to stop his movements. "Let me look."

The blonde opened his eyes as much as he could making a weird face, trying to make Josh laugh. But he didn't, he just leaned closer to examine his eyes.

"There's an eye-lash in your left eye. Try to blink slowly."

"It hurts!" Simon exclaimed, trying to rub it again instead, but Josh kept his hands still.

"Just a few more and it's out."

Simon obeyed this time, squeezing Josh's hand violently in the process.
Then Josh leaned even closer to his face to check if it was gone.

"It's gone." He smiled turning on his heals to leave him.

"Wait. Can't you stay... To talk a bit?" The blonde asked scratching the back of his head.


They sat down side by side on Simon's bed leaning against the back-rest of the bed.

"I think my memories are completely back." Josh sighed looking up at the ceiling.

"Really?" Simon's eyes lit up as he turned towards the bearded boy.

"Yes. Yesterday they came back from the accident's day."

"Oh. But then you remember all the missions we had and everything, right?" He smiled, his pearly whites showing.

"Yeah." He grinned back, but that grin soon turned into a frown. " I was such an idiot."

"Why did you say that?"

Josh took a deep breath and fully turned his body towards Simon. "Because I never realised something what I should've realised a long time ago."

"And that is...?"

"I'll show you." He cupped his face in his hands and captured his lips.
The kiss was gentle at first, but Simon wanted more. Oh God he's been wanting so much more for so long. He bit Josh's lip signalling him to open his mouth. He did, so Simon slipped his tongue into his mouth exploring the whole thing whilst pushing Josh on the bed, so he was hovering over him.

When he pulled away for air it was Josh's time to show his dominant side. He pressed their lips together again, then slipped his tongue into his mouth. The tongue game was strong this time from both parts, none of them wanting to give up the fight. Eventually Josh flipped them over so he was on top of the blonde, laying between his knees.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now