Your only escape (Alternative chapter)

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Okay, so this is a chapter of the alternative version of 'We fly together' (and no I won't write a whole book like this). In wich the beginning plot is the same, with the guys getting seperated after Josh and Simon got kidnapped and got  their memories erased. But in this one Josh takes  the wrong side unfortunatelly. The other exception is that in this one the effect of the injection doesn't wear off with time so they can only get their memories back by getting that liquid out of their system.

Oh and Minizerk was a thing before the accident.

Enjoy 🙃.
It didn't need to end up like this, it really didn't.

He was their friend, Simon's partner in crime and partner in general too. But now. Now he was actually a criminal.

A criminal whose hand never touched blood, never took away lives. Never stole, never got caught. Although sadly the very first one was only true because he wore black leather gloves.

He was a villain who did not kill. Rare right?

He befriended the wrong group of people, and before he knew it, he got mixed into some really dodgy things.

He ran away from home just like he did four years earlier. Away from his parents, away from his annoying girlfriend. But of course he didn't remember that.

So he ran. Ran into the wrong side of town and bumped into the wrong kind of people.

They didn't mess with him though. They saw that he was well-built and had good reflexes. Perfect for their little crew.

They acted kind towards him, showing that they were regular people,  offering him a job and accomodation after they found out that he lived temporarly in a shitty motel.

Josh was hopeless. He had to accept it or else he wouldn't have had anywhere to go to.  He was lacking of money but he couldn't go back to work since his parents would've heard about it and he didn't want that not in one bit.

So he signed up to be a bouncer for them in a tacky club. Oh well, that didn't last long. He was too kind and they didn't like that. They told him if he wouldn't get more rough they would fire him. Literally.

In anyway so ever he started training again whilst trying to get his cruel side out. Despite it being  hard he was making progress in both.

They approved of this new side of him. He got promoted, or at least that's what they called it. They made him join their dirty work. Get people  who owned their extortionate group, pay.

However Josh couldn't stand it for long. He couldn't stand hurting people for no reason this badly, so he wanted to quit. But there was no quitting in this 'trade'.

After months of protesting they finally gave in. Sort of. They let him do something else that no one else did. Work like an assassin. More like a spy, but he liked to call himself an assassin,  with his words 'because that was more badass'. He hid in the shadows to get information about people, without killing them.

Sounds stupid right?

It wasn't.

Josh wanted this, since this was the least cruel thing that he could come up with, which was still somewhat dirty and reasonable for them so they would listen to him and get convinced.

But Josh still didn't know something.

His new friends were  connected to the ones who kidnapped him and his former boyfriend, then got sent into prison. And they still owned and worked on things that can stop the superheroes of London.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now