Chapter 12. Bulletproof

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"Oh my god that's Cal!" Josh whispered as they flew down to the scene hand in hand.

The dark haired man who helped Tobi find Josh, was on the ground with masked people surrounding him. He was on his knees with his hands handcuffed behind his back. A guy much more shorter than him was pointing a gun at his head as the other three were putting away a camera. The heroes couldn't believe how this could be happening in public on a street, without pedestrians stopping to call the police.

The invisible boys flew closer to them, but still stayed out of earshot so they could come up with a plan whispering, without the villans hearing them.

"Okay, they all have guns so we might need back up." Simon's voice was low, but as he was directly talking into Josh's ear, the other man easily understood what he was saying. "I'll call Ethan and Harry. We wait till they arrive then I'll tell you the plan."

"Simon, look." Josh whispered and pointed towards one of the tall buildings nearby right before Simon could press his earbud. A guy was laying up there, almost unnoticeably with a sniper in his hand.

"Shit." There was another one across from him.

As the two boys observed the situation a helicopter landed near Cal.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Simon whispered through gritted teeth as they witnessed the criminals push him into the chopper.

They couldn't do anything to avert it or else one of the snipers would've shot him right there. So they followed them in the air, not too close, since the propellers of the thing were not really safe to fly next to.

They left the city and the chopper still hasn't landed. They flew over forests, medows, even factories and they were still going.

When the heroes started to get tired, the helicopter finally came to a stop. It landed near an abandoned shed and the boys landed on its rooftop. It was not the safest idea, since the surface was not that stable, but at least they could see through the holes that it head in it.

The four guys escorted Cal into the building with a paperbag on his head as their vehicle left. The small guy violently shoved him into a stack of hay then removed the bag from his head and sat down in front of him cross- legged, with his bodyguards standing behind him, machine guns in hand.

"Now you gonna spill or die. Your choice." The leader, as the boys assumed at least, stated coldly as an insane grin was showing from under his mask.

"What do you want from me?!" Cal tried not to panick, but the worry was still audible in his voice.

"Money and some infos." The guy chuckled and loaded his pistol.

"What infos?"

"Don't act stupid Cal. You met the Ghost and we know it. You just have to tell us his name."

"I didn't meet anybody."

"What about that black friend of yours, who magically dissapeared years ago, huh?"

"He is just a friend from highscho-" Cal stopped mid-sentence because he finally realised why that voice was so familiar to him. "Wait. Josh?"

The guy slapped him with his pistol making him pass out.

"Shit, we gotta go." He picked up a rope from the floor and tied Cal's hands and legs together with the help of his 'assistants'.

"What about him?" One of them murmured.

"We'll leave him here to die. Now go!"

"Go." Simon whispered at the same time and jumped off of the roof right when they stepped out uin the open, tackling the biggest guy, hitting him in the head making him fall to the ground.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now