Chapter 16. It's slowly coming together

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The next morning they woke up without their clothes, limbs tangled together, to Simon's phone ringing. The blonde removed the other man from his body, then crawled out of the bed to reach his phone. He checked who was calling and  put on some boxers in the process with one hand. Before he answered it he placed a quick kiss on Josh's forehead and whispered 'go back to sleep' to him with a genuine loving smile.

He exited the room and called Tobi back, since the other boy gave up on ringing him.

"Hey Tobes, why did you call me?"
He sat down in the living-room,  yawning.

"Firstly, why couldn't you answer your phone yesterday?"

"I was sleeping and I couldn't hear it, 'cause last night was rough..." He trailed off, but soon he realised what he'd just said and had to correct himself. "I mean the ball was pretty tiring. We danced a lot, you know."

"Yeah, right." The dark skinned boy chuckled. "Anyway, what should we do if Lenney wakes up?"

"Tell him that everything's okay and he just needs to hire more bodyguards." He rubbed his eyes, trying to keep them open.

"We already told him yesterday that he was in danger that's why we got him."

"That's good." He hummed, running a hand through his hair. "You gotta take him back to his mansion tho'."

"The boys said that it would be appreciated if you came here to tell him what he has to do. You're the leader after all."

Simon sighed as he leaned back in his seat. He looked up at the ceiling, thinking why this was necessary,  he would've rather stayed home cuddling his boyfriend. Well they weren't officially dating, but claiming him as his boyfriend sounded  more appealing in his head, then simply calling him Josh.

"Simon." Tobi snapped him out of his thoughts by calling his name repeatedly till he finally heard him.


"I asked you something."

"What exactly?"

Simon was way too sleepy for this. Not to talk about the fact that he wanted to tell Josh how he felt the same way towards him, since the day before, Josh fell asleep after he said those three small words that the blonde's been craving to hear from his mouth for years.

"Are you coming to tell him?"

"What exactly? To who?"

"Oh my God." Tobi let out a frustrated sigh from the other end of the call. "Forget it. Go back to spoon your boyfriend." And with that he ended the call.

"Tobi, what the fuck?"

He removed his phone from his ear and looked at the screen shaking his head.

He snucked back to his room to find Josh sleeping there peacefully. He slowly approached him extending his arms out. He picked him up gently trying not to wake him up and carried him to his room, where he tucked him in with a peck on his lips, leaving a note on his bedside table to let him know where he's gone.

He knew that Tobi said something about going over to the hideout,  so he decided that he should actually go there to show the boys that he is still a reliable leader.


"Look, who showed up!" JJ exclaimed  whilst eating an apple as he noticed the blonde standing in front of him. "How's your ass?"

Simon's jaw dropped and his face turned red. He quickly cleared his throat ignoring JJ and turned towards the other boys. "Is he still sleeping?"

"Yeah. I'm glad you came." Tobi grinned at him as he was sitting on a couch with Vikk's head on his shoulder.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now