Chapter 7. Shooting range

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3rd POV

It's been a week since Josh became friends with Simon again. They kept meeting  in the fourth hideout whenever they could and Simon liked to bring him with him on the lookout.

Simon completely forgot about  telling Tobi off, due to him being preoccupied with their bearded friend. 

The guys also noticed that their leader has been getting happier each day since he met Josh. Well Blue not Josh.  No one dared to tell them  who he was. Or more like didn't want to tell them.

Tobi decided it was Simon's choice if he wants to tell them or not.  The boys didn't seem to care, except for Vikk. He wanted to know why this guy was so important to Tobi. The reason why they met many times or how they became friends.

The fact that now he wasn't going out anymore almost every day, made the cinammon boy more suspicious. It was like Tobi swapped places with Simon. Not entirely of course, because the blond  still remained as their leader, but with his constant absences.

One day when Simon came home smiling like a maniac Vikk had to make a remark on his extraordinary behaviour.

"Did you win the lottery or what happened to you?" He looked up from his laptop as he was sitting on the couch in the living-room.

"No. I'm just happy because it's a beautiful day in a beautiful world!" The blonde chirped making a spin around lamp-stand like he was a  pole dancer who just began their carreer.

"O-kay. What kind of alcoholic beverage have you drunk?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy."

He changed into his everyday clothes by thinking about his favourite outfit. That was one of his most liked powers, changing clothes without actually taking them off or putting them on. He gave a simple name to it 'Clothes swap'.

"Hey Si, where have you been?" Ethan came in with a tranquilizer and a duster in his hand.

"On the lookout." He said in a singing tone.

"What drugs have you taken?" Ethan laughed dusting the gun in his hand.

"None! I'm just happy!"

"How come?"

"Because I-"

Tobi interrupted him by shouting from the kitchen. "Because he is in love!"

Some kind off deffense mechanism kicked in in Simon as he started protesting. "No I'm not. Why would I...? How? I don't even go out to meet new people."

"Ooh who's  the lucky girl?" Harry appeared out of nowhere behind Vikk.

"No one." Simon crossed his arms.

"I bet it's Tobi's friend." With JJ's arrival the whole crew was present.

"Fuck you guys." The blonde murmured trying to make an escape to his room.

"Nope. You are not going anywhere." Harry stopped him pushing him down on the couch.


"Because we need answers." Ethan said never looking up from his beloved weapon.

"To what?"

"A lot of things." JJ started. "For example where have you been in the last six days every night?"

"On the lookout. Or training."

"On your own?" Vikk joined in with the questions.

"I... No."

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