Chapter 3. Tobi's mission

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Don't ever try to find him.

Tobi's POV
There was no way our memories were gone forever. I just couldn't belive what Simon had told us.

Speaking of Simon, he dissapeard to his room after our discussion and haven't came back since then.

I'm pretty sure he meant so much for him. He never opens up to us and I have a feeling that he wasn't like this before.

I have to find Josh. Maybe if I get to know him again I can get some of my memories back. I mean they aren't entirely gone, else I wouldn't have flashbacks of 'em.

"What are you thinking about?" I looked up to see Vikk staring at me with a questioning look.

"Still processing what happened."

" After 50 minutes? Please don't think too much about it." He got up, patted my back and left.

I realised everyone had already left the planning room leaving me on my own.

I got up and walked to my room. I laid down on my bed thinking of a plan how to find Josh.

Maybe I can look for him in the FBI's record of citizens of London, but I don't know his surname tho'. Come on Tobi think! Josh... Joshua Thompson? No too generic. Smith? Same category. Wilkinson? What am I thinking? Oh God! There are so many surnames that can fit his firstname. I have to get this out of Simon somehow. Not today tho'.

The next day felt like hell. Everyone bombarded Simon with questions about our past.

It was painful for me too, not just to our leader. Of course I had questions too, but I knew Simon wasn't ready to answer everything for them just yet.

Now I'm currently on a lookout sitting on a rooftop, searching for anything suspicious on the crowded streets of London. Harry is sitting across from me on a taller building also observing the city. The others stayed at home so they can alert us if anything happens somewhere else.

We have security cameras all over London. Whenever sombody is about to commit a crime and one of the cameras is able to spot it, it sets off our alarm.

"Everything is clear." I heard Vikk from my earpiece.

I pressed it to talk back directly to him.

"I feel like it's the calm before the storm."

"I hope it isn't. Simon haven't left his room since breakfast."

"Yeah about that... We should leave him alone about the past. I think he's been broken since he lost him, we just never noticed it."

I spotted something unusal in front of a coffee shop. "Hang on, I see something."

I teleported closer to the shop to see it better, since I wasn't the eagle-eyed from the group.

"Haz, there is a street fight in front of Costa's. Come down quick!"


I teleported behind a smaller guy who was about to punch somebody underneath him laying on the floor. A grabbed his hand to stop his motion.

"What the hell?"

Harry landed next to me pulling the guy off of the other one.

"He was hitting on my girl! He deserved it!"

"I didn't know she was yours.. I.."


"Gentlemen please stop fighting. There is no need to call the police if we can deal with this like real men." Said Harry.

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