Chapter 11. Let me recall it

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The next day Josh woke up with a killer headache. As he opened his eyes he felt like his head was going to explode. The room was still somewhat dark, but the minimal light that was coming through the shutters still managed to hurt his eyes. He slowly got up from his bed, but as soon as he stood up he felt dizzy all of the sudden. He steadied himself by the help of his bedside table which was there to keep him still as he stood against it.

He carefully stumbled out of the room into the living-room where he found Ethan sprawled out on one of the sofas. The bearded boy squinted his eyes to see his surroundings more, due to the outrageously lit room.

He muttered a 'Morning' to the laying boy, then approached the kitchen.

JJ was sitting at the dining-table with his head in his hands. He had a glass of water next to him and he looked like he was just as much in pain as Josh. The dark skinned boy gave him a nonchalant wave then rested his head on the cold table.
Josh sat down next to him and did the same, because cooling his head on a tabletop seemed like a great idea.

"Good morning ladies!" Simon chirped making his way towards the sick boys.

"Stop shouting. Geez." JJ mumbled, his head never being lifted up.

"What happened to you lot? Did you threw a party without me yesterday and got wasted so much that now you are more hungover than Vikk after two shots?" He giggled placing an arm around Josh's shoulder as he sat down next to him.

"Do we have pain killers?" The brunette finally spoke.

"Yeah. Here." Simon gave him the medicine along with a galss of water and  a reassuring smile. "What hurts?"

"Only my head, but it feels like I've head on collided with a truck." He sighed and gulped the down the pill.

"Same bro." JJ mumbled into the table.

"This might be some kind of virus. Vikk'll know I'm sure." The blonde smiled passing the meds around the sick boys.

"Can't be...'Cause I'm pretty sure those spread with saliva."

Ethan giggled at JJ's remark then swallowed the pill.

"What? With whose...?"

JJ looked at Josh then back at Simon with a knowing grin.

" I didn't... We didn't..."

"Sure." JJ hummed rolling his eyes.

The leader was still upset about that remark, he almost didn't notice that Tobi floundered into the kitchen with Vikk on his side. They both looked ill so Simon gave some meds to them too. They thanked him and joined them around the table.

"Does everybody have a headache?" Vikk asked looking around.

"Everyone but Simon." Josh murmured rubbing his eyes.

"Strange." The cinnamon boy hummed. "I'll do some research after I'm feeling better."

They all nodded and got something to eat except for Josh.

"I'm going back to my room."
When the oldest man of the group passed around the table he suddenly  stopped and started leaning forward. Simon was behind him in no time and caught him as he was collapsing. He picked his limp body up bridal style and carried him to the other sofa, next to Ethan's one.

"Vikk, did he just pass out?" The blonde knelt down next to the unconscious boy and looked at Vikk for an answer.

"Yeah, get him some water to wake him up."

Simon picked up Josh's glass which had water in it still , and with a swift move he poured it on his face. When the liquid hit his skin he instantly opened his eyes and looked at the boy leaning above him, with giant pupils.

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