Hide and seek (Extra chapter I.)

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"Baby." Simon called out for his boyfriend as he streched in their shared bed, with his eyes still closed.

Opening his eyelids, he looked around just to see that Josh wasn't there.

"Where did he go?" He murmured crawling out from under the sheets with a yawn.

After changing into some more suitable clothes for a breakfast or just for the others's sake, instead of leaving in his boxers, he brushed his teeth and  exited his room going straight into the kitchen.

"Morning." He mumbled sitting down beside Vik who was making cereal for himself.

"Good morning to you too." The cinammon boy chirped,  unusally with full of energy. "You want some?" He motioned towards the box of cereal with his head.

"Nah. I'll pass. Thank you anyways." Simon smiled at him, getting up. "Have you seen Josh today?"

"Yeah. He's in the training room." Vik nodded his mouth full of food, so he covered it with his hand.

"This early?" Simon raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm just.. I'm gonna check on him." Taking a water bottle out of the fridge he wandered out of the kitchen.

"Okay." Vik smiled, thinking how cute the couple was.

They  still haven't come out to them yet. But if you lived there and you weren't blind, you could noticed that those two were together.  They disappeard during missions sometimes, and always wanted to be on the lookout together. Not to mention, that they regularly slept in the same room, trying to sneak in and out of there in the morning and at night.  If that didn't give them away, then nothing did.

When Simon opened the training room's door Josh was doing sit-ups on the floor, with his earphones in.

"Hi." He laid down, stopping what he was doing and pulling his earphones out.

He was heavily breathing as a tiny bit  of sweat dribbled down his forehead.

"Hey."  Simon went in, closing the door behind him.

The blonde sat down next to his boyfriend, who was now in a sitting position and gave him the water bottle.

"Thanks." Josh smiled, taking the drink from him.

He  gulped down almost half of it then put its lid back on, wiping his face with a towel.

"Why are you working out this early in the morning?" Simon asked looking around to see what Josh's been up to.

A few weights were scattered around the floor, the punching-bag had been turned around and the treadmill looked like it'd been used recently too.

"I gotta stay in shape you know. Since I have you, I haven't really had time to excercise properly. I'm not saying that we haven't been burning calories together though." He smirked after that last sentence, laying back down. "And if you don't mind, I'd like to continue."

"Of course I don't mind." Simon stated, getting into the same position as his boyfriend.


Doing fifty sit-ups, Simon thought that it was enough for his body and decided to sit in front of Josh, holding his trainers.

Josh shook his head at that, smiling  playfully.

"Si." He said between two movements. "I'm the leader now. I have to do this without your help to get into shape."

" You're already in shape. Besides, I'm not helping you." He winked. "Just distracting you." Leaning down he stopped the brunette from sitting up again.

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