Chapter 5. Your friends?

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Tobi's POV

I've been having meet-ups with Josh for the past three weeks. I get along with him really well, but it's hard to have a real converstation about our common pasts when none of us remembers it. To top it off, he doesn't even know that I don't remember a damn thing either.

Of course I have some flashbacks here and there, but they are not enough for me, to put them together as a whole memory.

I think I'm earning his trust slowly but surely. He opens up to me more. He often tells me about his job as an engineer, and his real feelings towards Freya that he doesn't want to tell his other friends, let alone his parents.

The guys think I might have a girlfriend. They never believe that I actually go for a walk every four days, plus I leave the house more times a week than I did in the past three years, for my own will.

Yesterday he texted me, that he wants to show me something important, so I'm on my way to his house yet again. I'm driving this time tho', since I don't want him to get suspicious over my arrival.


I knocked twice on his door. After two minutes or so he opened it, pulling me into a bro-hug.

"Hey man! How you doin'?"

"Hi. I'm good. You?"

"Same. Come on in."

We settled down on his couch. He offered me some snacks, as always I refused it, then tried to start a converstation.

"Sooo... You said there is something important that you want to show me."

Little bit straight forward isn't it?

"Uh about that... I'm not sure if I still want to show it to you." The hesitation in his voice was enormously noticable.

"I'm not trying to push you into anything, but you know you can tell me everything, right?"

"Yeah, but you will be weirded out."

"Trust me, I've seen unbelievably strange things before."

Did he find an old photo of us? Him and Simon?

"Right. Don't tell anyone, and don't freak out please."

He lifted his left arm up, turning his hand up so his palm was facing the ceiling.

"Here we go."

Waterdropplets started to come out of his hand. They were falling upwards like a fountain and whenever they were close to his skin, they dissappeard.

He still has his powers???

As he saw my facial expression he quickly got rid of the mini fountain and showed his hand into his pocket.

" I shouln't have shown you this. I'm sorry." He frowned.

"No, I'm happy that you did! It's not weird at all. Look."

I used my invisibility and faded into thin air.

"What the hell?! Tobi, why the hell are you sparkling?"

"I'm  invisible. Look." I stood in front of his mirror where I had no reflection.

"How can I see you then?"

"I'll tell you later."

I changed back with a bright smile. "See, this is normal."

"No it's not. Don't tell me everyone has a ... superpower? Yeah, let's go with that one. Because I won't believe you."

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now