Chapter 6. His powers

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3rd POV
"He is here, because he has some powers that are need to be discovered." Tobi informed the confused blonde.

"Right. Everyone leave except for Lerone and Star. This city needs us, so Haz you go on the lookout with KSI. Behz you get on the PC. Inform me if anything happens. Got it?"

They all murmured something and left reluctantly.

"Blue... Right. Have you ever tried to go invisible?" The leader asked rocking on his feet.

"No. I don't think so."

"Well then, think about being invisble. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a very bad situation, and you just want to dissapear."

Tobi picked up a mirror and held it in front of Josh's face.

"Open your eyes." The dark skinned boy commanded.

He didn't have a reflection in it, however the boys could see him which made Simon even more mad. You can only see somebody who is using the  power of invisibility , if you also have that power and you are connected to them in some way. That way you are fully able to see them at that time, but they have sparks around them, showing that they can not be seen for other people.

This confirmed Simon's theory even more.

Firstly he was wearing a bracelet on his left wrist. It looked just like the same as Josh's. Secondly, his voice. It didn't matter that it was muffled by his mask it sounded like his. Thirdly, this connection.

Simon wanted to rip that mask off of his face and then hug the crap out of him, if it was really him. Josh. His Josh.

"Am I invisible?" Josh gasped.

"Not entirely. Just your face and some parts of your body." Vikk said smiling. "Not bad for your first try."

"You need to practice more." Simon murmured rubbing his hands together. "Try to change back."


"Think about being visible. It's simple." The blonde shrugged.

Josh managed to change back for the first try. If he hadn't already experienced these things I'd have said he was an incredibly fast learner.

"Good. You have to keep trying for a while."

At first Simon sounded antagonistic against Josh, but then he realised he should be pissed at Tobi not him, and Vikk for misleading him. But mostly Tobi. Or whoever who was actually in this.

His expression softened, so did his tone and words towards the long lost boy.

"Perfect." The blonde clapped, clearly impressed by the dark haired boy.

Two hours had passed with the practice and they haven't tried to do anything else yet.

"I think that's enough. What else can he possibly have?" Vikk wondered.

"Flying." Simon whispered more to himself, but the boy with the Scream mask heard him.

"Do you think?"

"I'm more than sure..." The blonde mumbled, crossing his arms.

"What?" Tobi and Vikk asked in unison.

"Flying, he said." Josh pointed towards the lanky boy.

"Can't help you with that one, nor Vikk. Might aswell leave you two alone..."

"No Tobi. We still have a crow to pluck with."

"That can wait..."

"Tobi. Don't leave." Josh whispered to his friend.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now