Chapter 17. Cruise ship Part 1.

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"They are in deed going to the party  next Friday." Tobi informed the whole crew after he heard Chip confirmed their theory through the walkie-talkie, to somebody in his kitchen  before the couple could leave to do some 'stuff' making them stop dead in their tracks. They waited till  the Ethan-JJ-Harry trio had  arrived to the room then Tobi  outlined  the situation. "Somebody has to tell Will to forget about going there."

"On it." JJ pulled out his phone and quickly texted him.

"You got his number?" Harry wondered as he stopped playing with a pen which was in front of him.

"Yeah man. He is a cool dude and I figured it would be easier to keep him safe this way."

"That was the lamest justification I've ever heard for asking for someone's number." Josh giggled now sitting in normal clothes instead of his running ones from earlier.

"Did he say anything else?" Simon smiled at Josh then looked towards Tobi in anticipation.

"Yeah he said that there's a  plan B this time. He didn't say what, but he kept saying she when he reffered to somebody. So I assume their other plan is to kidnap some chick."

The room fell in silence. The information wasn't enough for them to actually stop the action. Last time they knew who was the target, but now it was almost hopeless to find out, since that boat was always full of wealthy people, millionaires and their companions. They wanted money. That was nearly cristal clear now. But there were way to many possibilities who could've been the target to handle. They could've wanted a rich girl, a lady,  a widow even somebody's girlfriend or some rich parents' daughter. Literally anyone who was preffered to be called her instead of him.

"So we are fucked, aren't we?" JJ looked around with a casual grin as always.

"No. Don't say that." Simon stated with strictness in his voice. "We need the whole team on that boat."

"Nonsense." Josh looked  at him sighing. "They might recognise us."

It was true. They were lucky that Chip didn't recognise them on the ball and they couldn't just risk their identities because of one mission. So they needed an alternative version for this plan.

They decided that Tobi and Vikk should go as a couple and the other three boys should go on their own as bachelor millionaires. Simon and Josh would be on the open- air terrace in their suits invisible, as the other boys would wear bullet-proof vests under their suits and tuxedos. All of them having pistols on them with sleeping bullets loaded in five of them.


The days flew by pretty quickly as they were all getting ready for the event. Tobi cultivated a new feature for their earpieces, meaning that  now they could  be used just like a deaf-aids, since you can hear things louder if you change their settings. Vikk was a big help with making it, mostly because he was almost as good as technology as his dark skinned friend.

All the boys bought new tuxedos except for the leader and his second in command of course. Ethan and Harry even role played the possible situations they were going to be in that night while JJ just put on his gold chain and acted tough in the background making fun of them.

What about Vikk? You mas ask. Well, Vikk was nervous as hell. Not just because he'd never been to a party like this, or that he was a little bit shy around new people, but the fact that he had to pretend that he was in a romantic relationship with his longtime crush, Tobi. He was truly terrified.

Tobi on the other hand was happy about this opportunity. He could finally be on his cinammon friend's say through the whole night without getting weird looks from people. Or at least that's what he hoped for.

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