Chapter 13. Josh Larkin

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Meanwhile the love-birds were discussing their current situation, Vikk and Tobi went down the hallway shoulder to shoulder to check up on their old friend.

Tobi stopped in front of the door. "You should put your mask on too. Just in case he is awake."

"You are right." Vikk hummed and changed into his full superhero costume.

"And Vikk before we go in..."

"Yeah?" The cinnamon boy looked up at him with bright eyes.

"The boy in there is Cal. Me and Josh's highschool friend."

Vikk gasped then asked. "Why him? Poor guy."

"I don't have a clue, but Josh said that he'll explain later."

"After he made out with Simon." Vikk chuckled and turned the knob on the door.

Cal was still laying on the sofa he had been put on, but his eyes were open and he was playing with his fingers as he stared at the ceiling.

"Hello. Please don't freak out we're not here to hurt you." The small boy approached him carefully with his medkit.

Cal sit up as soon as he heard the voice and stared at the heroes in confusion.

"Why am I here?"

"Do you remember anything from earlier today?" The dark kinned boy asked sitting down on a chair near him.

"Um..  Yes! Oh my God it was real, wasn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"They kidnapped me." He stated coldly. "Those bastards."

"Who did?" Tobi continued his interrogation as his partner in 'crime' was preparing his medical supplies.

"Guys in ski masks."

"Ghost,  I think we should stop bombarding him with questions, he must be exhausted. Plus I have to check if he has more injuries."

He got a nod in response and a cute grin.

"You still hasn't answered my question. Why am I here?"

"Because they hurt you and we saved you. Well two guys of our crew did."

"Can I talk to them, so I can thank them?" He smiled as Vikk was looking at his eyes  shining a lightwith a into them.

"Maybe later."

"How long do I have to stay here?"

"Our leader...Uh oh...  Somebody's gonna tell you later today."

That was the moment when Tobi realised he barely knew anything about the happenings and that he shouldn't let Josh wear him off like that when he asked him about it.

"Later. Later. Later." He huffed. "What if they are still after me?"

"That's why we're keeping you here instead of a hospital." Tobi smiled kindly as he always does crossing his arms.

"We're done. You have some bruises here and there,  but other than that you are fine."


"You should stay here for the night." Vikk suggested putting his things away.

"Okay. I'll go back to sleep then."

"Good night." Both of the heroes said leaving the tired boy to rest.

When they arrived back at the living-room Josh was already there leaning against the doorframe, which led to the kitchen. It looked like he was having a staring contest with JJ as he they were not speaking just eyeballing one another barely blinking.

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