Chapter 10. Clover

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It was now September. More leaves started to fall off the trees each day, making the streets more colourful with their patterned carpet that they made on the sidewalks.

Josh loved this time of the year, since autumn was a mesmerizing season, but  hardly anyone noticed its true beauty; only the rainstorms and the fact that summer was over.
He admired it with its red, orange and brown colours and spectacular picture that they could show.  However only  an expert could notice what was behind it. And Josh did. He noticed the tiniest things that could make something beautiful. Not just in landscapes. In everything. Even people.


He hadn't spoken with Simon since the day, he told him who he really was. That happened more than three weeks ago and he still didn't know what to say for his offer.

What he did know was that he had his phone number just in case he wanted to tell him his decision.

So one day he called him to meet him at 7 pm in the forest they practiced flying the other day. It was an unusal place to talk about such serious things, but Simon didn't question  his choice of location though. He was too happy about meeting his friend again.

Josh arrived half an hour earlier than his blonde friend. He wanted to take pictures of the lake and the big oak tree, what he found the best spot to fly to when he was there first, before their rendezvous.

When he looked up he saw that the sky looked like he was in a fairy tale. The stars were showing and the sky-line was purple with a glint of orange.

The tree still had its crown magically, so  he knelt down to get the best angle for his photo.

The tree still had its crown magically, so  he knelt down to get the best angle for his photo

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He took some more shots of it  and managed to get one where the forest wasn't in the shot.  Then he turned to the lake. The sky above it turned darker by the time he finished with the his little 'tree photo shoot'.

It was dark blue with that purple he saw before.

After a couple of clicks and professional photos, he heard hooting not far from behind him

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After a couple of clicks and professional photos, he heard hooting not far from behind him. He turned around never using his power of flying, and noticed that there were two owls next to each other sitting on a branch on a beech tree. They were little owls, Josh could tell by their size.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now