Chapter 14. Ball

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They are dancing waltz for the song above,  foxtrot for Michael Bublé's- Feeling Good and Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran is playing when they're slow dancing.

It was one week till the Lenney ball was held and the boys still didn't know who to send out there. They assumed that Chip and his boss along with somebody called Weller and Malfoy wanted to do something with the youngest member of the Lenney family which included a helicopter in their garden. They either wanted to kidnap him, or someone else who was important for him, so they can get a lot of money out of him or his parents.

Now that Simon's wound almost completely healed and he was almost totally in form, he had time to tell the boys that he wanted Josh to be second in command if something had happened to him. They all supported his decision, even Harry admitted that it was a good idea, since his plan worked out pretty well, plus the boy was a fast thinker, which would be  a good thing in such a high position.

The clock was ticking and the guys all had  a voice in the back of their minds telling them that they should really do something about this upcoming event. Harry was out on the lookout with JJ when Simon decided that he wanted to talk about the ball.

He told everyone to meet him in their planning room as always and let the two heroes know that they have to come back earlier that day.

When everybody has finally arrived Simon cleared his throat to get the boys' attention then  opened a notebook full of possible pairs and plans for the event.

"So guys, you all probably know why we are here."

"Are you guys finally dating?" Ethan asked shouting smiling like a madman.

"What? Who?" Simon looked around then when he noticed that JJ had  created a love heart with his hands and he was pointing it towards him and Josh, he tore up a paper from his notebook and threw it at the dark skinned boy.

Josh giggled at his best friend's behaviour, knocking on the table so the others would shut up again.

"Anyway, we have to chose a pair who is going to go to the Lenney ball." He stated looking down at his notes.

"I wanna go!" JJ exclaimed scaring Vikk with his loudness.

"Me too." Ethan gave him a high five grining.

"See. That's not happening."

"Simon, why? I thought you loved me." JJ acted like he was shot in the heart then slid down on his chair.

"Because you two are not very...  Formal, and polite and that is needed in an occasion like this. Plus we need two people who can act like they're a couple."

"Ew. I don't want to play JJ's boyfriend." Ethan shivered at the thought, getting further away from JJ who was blowing kisses at him.

"You know you want it babe."

Josh sprayed some water across the table directly hitting JJ in the face.

"Oh. It's in my eye!"

"Guys, enough." Simon raised his voice, slamming his fist on the table.

"I was thinking that maybe Vikk and Tobi should go." Josh suggested as he propped his head up with his elbows.

"They would be sensational with their cuteness and that fact that they are a couple from two ethnicities. We don't need that." Harry murmured.

"They would be cute tho'." Simon smiled at the two then looked through his notes again.

"Is it down to me and you or do I have to go with Harry?" Josh half whispered to the blonde, secretly hoping for the first option.

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