Chapter 18. Cruise ship Part 2.

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"I see the girl." Josh murmured in a low tone so nobody else could hear it but Simon.

"Why are you watching girls?"

Josh face plamed, then banged his head on Simon's shoulder. "Babe, you just said that we had to watch out for that blonde chick."

"Oh yeah, right. I forgot."
Something seemed off with the blonde lately and Josh noticed that. He didn't want to push him. He knew that he was a bit nervous, since he told him earlier, so he just put a hand on his lower back in a protective manner as he looked down at the two girls who were standing on the forecastle.

"Turn it up."

The blonde already knew what Josh wanted, hence he followed the instruction and pushed his earpiece.

"Yeah, he was very creepy." Roksana said, pulling out a small mirror from her handbag so she could adjust her lipstick.

"Let's avoid him from now on." The brunette said, taking a selfie afterwards.

"Agreed. I don't get what he wanted. Like, he wanted to brag about his shipping company or whatever, but he didn't say its name. Sorta strange..." She hummed taking the girl's arm and dragging her back somewhere inside.

The boys both tapped on their devices again and looked at each other at the same time.

"D' you think she was talking about Chip?" Asked Simon before Josh could do the same.

"That's exactly what I thought. I mean, they rushed here after he greeted them." He smiled getting up and taking his boyfriend's hand. "Let's go."

They took off and flew slowly just enoughly above the deck. They saw Harry talking to a bunch of females as JJ and Ethan were chatting to an other crowd near him. Tobi and Vikk were on the dancefloor seemingly enjoying one another's presence.

They landed on top of the lounge, mostly because they could see the whole board better from there. They didn't see Chip anywhere tho'.

"Simon, is everything okay, man?" Josh nudged his shoulder with his one as he noticed that the blonde was staring into space instead of focusing on the current events.

Josh managed to snap him out of it, since he darted his eyes back to the playing area.

"Look, he was under us." The bearded boy giggled and pointed at Chip who just exited the lounge with a glass off some strange looking cocktail in his hand.

His tie was loose and he was far from sober. Another guy followed him with naturaly light blonde hair, but he didn't look wasted at all.

The boys started eavesdropping again, trying to finally figure out what was going on. It was a hard task this time, sith the music was blasting through the speakers there.

"He is not here." The blonde man said fixing his suit.

"What do you mean, he is not here?" Chip snapped at him, his voice sounding way to normal for somebody who looked as intoxicated as him.

"He didn't show up. But there's a plan B, you know ." He murmured taking away the cocktail from Chip and placing it on a table.

"Get her then." He commanded in an inattentive tone.

"Now?" The blonde raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes. Go!"

Chip pulled out a machine pistol from under his jacket and shot one bullet up in the air. "Everybody down!"

Simon and Josh instantly flew down to get rid of Chip's gun, but he was flailing it around like it was a toy as people in ski masks started coming out of the cabins to the playing area with AK 47s in their hands.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now